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A Freirean analysis of the Escola sem Partido dystopian schooling model: indignation, hope and untested feasibility during pandemic times
Journal of Educational Administration and History Pub Date : 2021-02-16 , DOI: 10.1080/00220620.2021.1874315
Jorge Knijnik 1


This paper examines contemporary challenges for education and democracy in Brazil. In the past decade, conservative forces headed by the Escola sem Partido (ESP) movement have led a scaremongering campaign against teachers and public education, with Paulo Freire’s critical educational philosophies as their main enemy. This study investigates the ESP’s attempts to implement its ‘neutral’ education model based in traditional values across the country. Key Freirean concepts combined with Horsford ‘3Rs’ agenda to regain democracy in schools are used to analyse the media narratives presented by the ESP and civil movements that have resisted its efforts to undermine democracy within Brazilian schools. The findings suggest that the ESP’s bullying tactics have been effective in undermining teachers’ autonomy in many Brazilian schools. Further tensions have been provoked by the pandemic within the public educational system. Conversely, Freirean-inspired school communities have found new ways to counteract this harassment and strengthen democratic pedagogies.


对 Escola sem Partido 反乌托邦学校教育模式的 Freirean 分析:大流行期间的愤慨、希望和未经检验的可行性


本文探讨了巴西教育和民主面临的当代挑战。在过去的十年里,以 Escola sem Partido (ESP) 运动为首的保守势力领导了一场针对教师和公共教育的恐吓运动,而保罗·弗莱雷 (Paulo Freire) 的批判性教育理念是他们的主要敌人。本研究调查了 ESP 在全国范围内实施其基于传统价值观的“中立”教育模式的尝试。Freirean 的关键概念与 Horsford 的“3Rs”议程相结合,以恢复学校民主,用于分析 ESP 和公民运动提出的媒体叙述,这些运动抵制了其破坏巴西学校民主的努力。调查结果表明,ESP 的欺凌策略有效地削弱了许多巴西学校的教师自主权。公共教育系统内的大流行引发了进一步的紧张局势。相反,受 Freirean 启发的学校社区已经找到了抵制这种骚扰和加强民主教学法的新方法。
