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Cost of human-elephant conflict and perceptions of compensation: evidence from Odisha, India
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management ( IF 3.371 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-17 , DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2020.1838264
Biplab Kumar Guru 1 , Amarendra Das 2

Odisha, an eastern Indian state, has reported an increasing number of human-elephant conflicts in recent years. Odisha's economic survey (2014–15) reveals that, up until January 2014, about 42,371.86-hectares of forest land had been destroyed for developmental activities. The loss of natural habitat has increased the frequency of conflict. The household survey conducted in nine villages within the Nilagiri forest range, captured various costs of conflict such as crop damage, human fatalities and injury, property damage, and livestock depredation. Findings suggested that crop-raiding was persistent and severe, which threatened food security and livelihoods. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified factors influencing perceptions of the adequacy of compensation. Results show that respondents were less likely to say that compensation amounts were adequate if they had attended more than five years of schooling; if they had an annual family income greater than INR 13,500; and if the amount of compensation was more than INR 12,500.



印度东部的奥里萨邦报告了近年来越来越多的人象冲突。奥里萨邦的经济调查(2014-15)显示,截至 2014 年 1 月,约有 42,371.86 公顷的林地因开发活动而遭到破坏。自然栖息地的丧失增加了冲突的频率。在 Nilagiri 森林范围内的 9 个村庄进行的住户调查记录了各种冲突成本,例如作物损失、人员伤亡、财产损失和牲畜掠夺。调查结果表明,作物掠夺持续存在且严重,威胁到粮食安全和生计。多变量逻辑回归分析确定了影响对充分补偿的看法的因素。结果显示,如果受访者接受了五年以上的教育,他们不太可能说补偿金额足够;如果他们的家庭年收入超过 13,500 印度卢比;如果赔偿金额超过 12,500 印度卢比。
