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Seed germination and dispersal of Eleocharis acuta and Eleocharis sphacelata under experimental hydrological conditions
Aquatic Ecology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10452-020-09806-5
William Higgisson , Fiona Dyer

The occurrence and distribution of aquatic macrophytes within a wetland depends on the hydrological requirements of each species and the hydrological conditions. The aims of this study were to: (1) determine relationships between germination of Eleocharis acuta and Eleocharis sphacelata and hydrological regime, (2) determine the buoyancy of the seeds of E. acuta and E. sphacelata and hence their ability to disperse by hydrochory and (3) determine whether E. acuta and E. sphacelata exhibit dormancy. The seeds of E. acuta and E. sphacelata both germinated best on soil-soaked and when inundated for 80 days (to a depth of 5 cm). No seeds of either species germinated under rainfall conditions. Viability testing following the experiment showed that some seeds of both species remained ungerminated and viable following soaking, inundation and rainfall conditions for 90 days, demonstrating that E. acuta and E. sphacelata exhibit dormancy. At least 50% of E. acuta seeds floated for 32 days, while 50% of E. sphacelata seeds remained floating for at least 39 days. These germination and dispersal characteristics define where and when these Eleocharis species establish related to temporal and spatial hydrological variability.



湿地中水生植物的发生和分布取决于每种物种的水文要求和水文条件。本研究的目的是:(1)确定的发芽之间的关系荸荠蚧荸荠sphacelata和水文,(2)确定的种子的浮力E.蚧E. sphacelata通过hydrochory因此它们的能力,以分散(3)确定埃奇塔菌球形芽孢杆菌是否表现出休眠。埃卡特氏和球孢菌的种子两者在浸水的土壤中和在被淹没80天(深度为5厘米)时发芽最好。在降雨条件下,两种种子均未发芽。存活能力试验以下显示的实验,这两个物种的一些种子仍然未发芽的和可行的以下浸泡,洪水和降雨条件下为90天,这表明E.蚧E. sphacelata展览休眠。至少50%的E. acuta种子漂浮了32天,而50%的E. sphacelata种子保持漂浮了至少39天。这些发芽和扩散特性定义了这些Eleocharis物种在何时何地建立与时空水文变异有关的特征。
