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Constantine's First Visit to Rome with Diocletian in 303
Journal of Late Antiquity Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jla.2018.0011
Raymond Van Dam

Abstract:In autumn 303 Diocletian visited Rome to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of his reign. Even though there is no explicit documentary confirmation, Constantine was most likely a member of his entourage. During this visit Constantine probably met Fausta, his future wife, and he would have learned about the city's new fortifications. He also could have met many important senators and their sons, and he would have evaluated Diocletian's behavior as a Tetrarchic emperor at Rome. This experience would strongly influence Constantine's own actions and policies when he returned to Rome in October 312. He defeated Fausta's brother, Maxentius, he promoted senators, and he expanded senatorial rank. He also adopted a "senatorial" style of emperorship that rejected or transformed aspects of Diocletian's Tetrarchic model of imperial rule.


公元 303 年君士坦丁与戴克里先首次访问罗马

摘要:303 年秋天,戴克里先访问罗马,庆祝他在位二十周年。尽管没有明确的文件证实,康斯坦丁很可能是他的随行人员。在这次访问期间,君士坦丁可能遇到了他未来的妻子福斯塔,他会了解这座城市的新防御工事。他也可能会见许多重要的参议员和他们的儿子,他会评估戴克里先作为罗马四合会皇帝的行为。这段经历极大地影响了君士坦丁于 312 年 10 月返回罗马时的行动和政策。他击败了福斯塔的兄弟马克森提乌斯,提拔了参议员,并扩大了参议员级别。他还采用了一种“元老院”式的皇权,拒绝或改变了戴克里先的某些方面。