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An Asianist Sensation: Horace on Lucilius as Hortensius
American Journal of Philology Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2018.0039
Ian Goh

Abstract:The Asianist orator Hortensius Hortalus is a partial model for Horace's critique of Lucilius in his début collection Satires 1. Much mileage is derived from the metaphor of Lucilius as a "muddy river." The appearances of Hortensius, a wealthy lover of luxury and innovator in dining habits, in Varro's De Re Rustica 3, Cicero's Brutus (where, recently deceased, he is especially memorialized) and Orator, and Catullus 65 are grist to Horace's mill. Lucilius is tendentiously linked to Asianism as well as Asia itself, and the identification is pursued through recall of Lucilius' own statements, as Horace toys with Republican texts.



摘要:亚洲主义演说家霍坦修斯·霍塔勒斯是贺拉斯在他的处女作《讽刺一》中对路西里乌斯批判的部分典范。许多里数都来源于将路西里乌斯比喻为“泥泞的河流”。Hortensius 是一位富有的奢侈品爱好者和餐饮习惯的创新者,他出现在 Varro 的 De Re Rustica 3、Cicero 的 Brutus(他最近去世,特别纪念他)和 Orator 以及 Catullus 65 中的出现,这些都是 Horace 工厂的谷物。Lucilius 倾向于与亚洲主义以及亚洲本身联系在一起,并且通过回忆 Lucilius 自己的声明来寻求认同,就像贺拉斯玩弄共和党文本一样。