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A Manual for Flatterers, a Proof of Candor: Philodemus' on Flattery and Horace'S Satires 2.5
American Journal of Philology Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2018.0038
Sergio Yona

Abstract:The burlesque portrait of Ulysses and Tiresias in Satires 2.5 is often read as the poet's detached and rather tangled invective on inheritance-hunting. This article argues that Horace's negative description of Ulysses as a flatterer and greedy opportunist is intended to address jealous detractors' accusations of flattery against him in connection with his relationship with Maecenas by providing an implied contrast between the poet's own behavior and that of the inheritance-hunter. More importantly, it introduces the suggestion that this description, which is not only highly satirical but also reminiscent of the character portraits popularized by Hellenistic thinkers, derives its structure and content from similar observations in Philodemus of Gadara's ethical treatise On Flattery, which was likely inspired by concerns regarding similar accusations of flattery.


奉承者手册,坦率的证明:菲洛德穆斯关于奉承和贺拉斯的讽刺 2.5

摘要:《讽刺》2.5 中尤利西斯和泰瑞西亚斯的滑稽肖像经常被解读为诗人对遗产狩猎的疏离和相当纠结的谩骂。本文认为,贺拉斯对尤利西斯的负面描述是一个奉承者和贪婪的机会主义者,旨在通过提供诗人自己的行为与继承者的行为之间的隐含对比来解决嫉妒的批评者对他与梅塞纳斯的关系的奉承的指控——猎人。更重要的是,它提出了这样的建议,即这种描述不仅具有高度讽刺性,而且让人联想到希腊化思想家所流行的人物肖像,其结构和内容来自加达拉的菲洛德穆斯的伦理论文《奉承》中的类似观察,