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An online, comparative effectiveness trial of mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII) versus solution-focused coaching (SFC) questions
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1080/17521882.2021.1890166
Jordan A. Martenstyn 1 , Anthony M. Grant 1


Mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII) and solution-focused coaching (SFC) questions are self-coaching interventions that share similar theoretical constructs and stimulate constructive thinking in terms of idealised future outcomes and realistic appraisal of one’s current situation. However, no research has compared the efficacy of these two self-coaching methodologies. This experiment aimed to compare the effect of MCII and SFC questions on goal-directed outcomes. We conducted an online experiment where 113 undergraduates described an important personal problem, completed pre-intervention assessment, performed a brief computer-guided intervention of MCII or SFC questions, and then completed post-intervention assessment. We found that MCII and SFC questions increased perceived goal progression, self-efficacy, and positive affect, and decreased negative affect, to a similar extent. Levels of problem clarity and solution-focused thinking were comparable at post-intervention between MCII and SFC questions. We observed two main differences between the interventions: (a) self-insight was higher following MCII than SFC questions and (b) expectations of success increased from SFC questions but remained unchanged from MCII. Our results suggest that coaches seeking to integrate evidence-based self-coaching methodologies into their coaching practice have scope to recommend either MCII or SFC questions as take-home exercises to help their clients maximise goal attainment.


心理对比与执行意图 (MCII) 与以解决方案为中心的教练 (SFC) 问题的在线比较有效性试验


与实施意图(MCII)和以解决方案为中心的教练(SFC)问题的心理对比是自我教练干预,它们具有相似的理论结构,并在理想化的未来结果和对当前情况的现实评估方面激发建设性思维。然而,没有研究比较这两种自我指导方法的功效。本实验旨在比较 MCII 和 SFC 问题对目标导向结果的影响。我们进行了一项在线实验,其中 113 名本科生描述了一个重要的个人问题,完成了干预前评估,对 MCII 或 SFC 问题进行了简短的计算机引导干预,然后完成了干预后评估。我们发现 MCII 和 SFC 问题增加了感知目标进展、自我效能和积极影响,并在类似程度上减少负面影响。在 MCII 和 SFC 问题之间的干预后,问题的清晰度和以解决方案为中心的思维水平具有可比性。我们观察到干预措施之间的两个主要区别:(a)MCII 问题后的自我洞察力高于 SFC 问题;(b)SFC 问题提高了对成功的期望,但 MCII 问题保持不变。我们的结果表明,寻求将基于证据的自我教练方法整合到他们的教练实践中的教练可以推荐 MCII 或 SFC 问题作为带回家的练习,以帮助他们的客户最大限度地实现目标。我们观察到干预措施之间的两个主要区别:(a)MCII 问题后的自我洞察力高于 SFC 问题;(b)SFC 问题提高了对成功的期望,但 MCII 问题保持不变。我们的结果表明,寻求将基于证据的自我教练方法整合到他们的教练实践中的教练可以推荐 MCII 或 SFC 问题作为带回家的练习,以帮助他们的客户最大限度地实现目标。我们观察到干预措施之间的两个主要区别:(a)MCII 问题后的自我洞察力高于 SFC 问题;(b)SFC 问题提高了对成功的期望,但 MCII 问题保持不变。我们的结果表明,寻求将基于证据的自我教练方法整合到他们的教练实践中的教练可以推荐 MCII 或 SFC 问题作为带回家的练习,以帮助他们的客户最大限度地实现目标。
