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Risk Control, Rights and Legitimacy in the Limited Liability State
The British Journal of Criminology ( IF 3.288 ) Pub Date : 2016-08-22 , DOI: 10.1093/bjc/azw065
John Pratt

Although controlling risk has become a prevalent theme in contemporary penal development in the main English-speaking societies, the range and extent of these measures is limited and specific, indicative of new obligations and reciprocities between state and citizen following post-1980s restructuring. Individuals are exhorted to take care of themselves, but the state remains committed to managing risks thought beyond their control and likely to cause irreparable harm through innovative penal measures. The paper explains how these have coalesced around risks to community cohesion and sexual attacks on women and children; and how these measures have then been legitimated, given that they contravene previous long-standing rules, principles and conventions intended to prohibit or restrict their use.



尽管控制风险已成为主要英语社会当代刑罚发展的一个普遍主题,但这些措施的范围和程度是有限和具体的,表明 1980 年代后重组后国家与公民之间的新义务和互惠关系。个人被劝告要照顾好自己,但国家仍然致力于管理他们认为无法控制的风险,并可能通过创新的惩罚措施造成无法弥补的伤害。这篇论文解释了这些是如何围绕社区凝聚力和对妇女和儿童的性攻击风险而结合起来的;以及这些措施如何合法化,因为它们违反了以前旨在禁止或限制其使用的长期规则、原则和公约。