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Symptom development and mortality rates caused by Armillaria ostoyae in juvenile mixed conifer stands in British Columbia’s southern interior region
Forest Pathology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1111/efp.12675
Michelle Cleary 1 , Duncan J. Morrison 2 , Bart Kamp 3

Plots were established in 20 juvenile mixed conifer stands in the Interior Cedar Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone of British Columbia's southern interior region in western Canada to assess mortality and host response to infection in the form of basal lesions caused by Armillaria ostoyae. Western redcedar showed significantly lower mortality and a higher proportion of callused lesions at the root collar than Douglas‐fir and western hemlock. Mortality decreased with increasing tree diameter for all species; however, the rate of decrease was markedly greater for western redcedar than Douglas‐fir or western hemlock. Results from logistic regression analysis showed that the probability of Douglas‐fir being killed is 14.6 times greater than western redcedar in these juvenile stands. Because western redcedar displayed significant resistance to A. ostoyae at both the root and stand level, this species represents an excellent choice as a significant stand component with more susceptible conifers. Should susceptible conifers succumb to Armillaria root disease, western redcedar will likely fill in the stand.



在加拿大西部不列颠哥伦比亚省南部内陆地区的内陆雪松铁杉生物地球气候带的20个幼年混合针叶林林中建立了样地,以评估死亡率和寄主对以圆环蜜环菌引起的基础病变形式的感染的反应。与花旗松和铁杉相比,西部柳杉的根颈处死亡率显着降低,愈伤组织的比例更高。所有树种的死亡率都随着树径的增加而降低。然而,西部柳杉的减少率明显高于道格拉斯冷杉或西部铁杉。Logistic回归分析的结果表明,在这些幼林中,道格拉斯冷杉被杀死的可能性是西部柳杉的14.6倍。因为西部柳杉表现出对A的显着抗性。 骨科在根和林分方面,该树种都是绝佳的选择,因为它是具有较高易感性针叶树的重要林分成分。如果易受影响的针叶树死于蜜环菌根病,西部雪松很可能会填满林分。