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From the Waters to the Plate to the Latrine: Fish and Seafood from the Cardo V Sewer, Herculaneum
Journal of Maritime Archaeology Pub Date : 2018-11-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11457-018-9218-y
Rebecca Nicholson , Jennifer Robinson , Mark Robinson , Erica Rowan

The excavation of an ancient sewer in the town of Herculaneum, Italy, provided the opportunity to study Roman diet in the Bay of Naples, including the marine component. The sewer served an apartment block which was buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79 and retained human and kitchen waste of the non-élite individuals living above. The remains showed a high degree of dietary diversity with around 70 fish, 48 marine mollusc and three marine arthropod taxa being identified. The fish were mostly small individuals which were probably netted in fairly shallow, coastal waters. The marine invertebrates included species of sandy shores, rocks and the sea bed but the majority could have been collected very close to the water’s edge. Both the fish and the shellfish would have been available locally in large quantities and probably represented cheap and nutritious dietary fare. Some of the consumed fish was probably salted (salsamenta) or fermented (as fish sauces such as garum), but it is thought that most of the fish and shellfish originated in the Bay of Naples and would have been purchased fresh. The difficulty of identifying preserved fish within the mixed sewer assemblage is discussed.


从水到盘子再到厕所:来自赫库兰尼姆 Cardo V 下水道的鱼和海鲜

在意大利赫库兰尼姆镇挖掘古老的下水道,为研究那不勒斯湾的罗马饮食,包括海洋成分提供了机会。下水道服务于一个公寓楼,该楼在公元 79 年因维苏威火山爆发而被掩埋,并保留了居住在上面的非精英人士的人类和厨房垃圾。遗骸显示出高度的饮食多样性,发现了大约 70 条鱼、48 种海洋软体动物和三种海洋节肢动物分类群。这些鱼大多是小个体,可能在相当浅的沿海水域捕捞。海洋无脊椎动物包括沙滩、岩石和海床,但大多数可能是在非常靠近水边的地方收集的。鱼和贝类都可以在当地大量获得,并且可能代表了廉价且营养丰富的膳食。一些食用的鱼可能是腌制的 (salsamenta) 或发酵的(如鱼露,如鱼露),但据认为,大多数鱼和贝类源自那不勒斯湾,应该是新鲜购买的。讨论了在混合下水道组合中识别腌鱼的困难。