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Disheveled Tenacity: The North Bay of Roman and Byzantine Dor
Journal of Maritime Archaeology Pub Date : 2019-05-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11457-019-09235-y
Ehud Arkin Shalev , Gil Gambash , Assaf Yasur-Landau

Tel Dor overlooks the eastern Mediterranean on the southern Levantine coastline of Israel. Underwater surveys and a coastal excavation in the North Bay of Dor have produced evidence of an anchorage at the 4th–7th century CE Byzantine city of Dora. The existence of such an anchorage at the northwestern extremity of the city had been contemplated in the past. Also identified are traces of maritime activity from the time period between the 1st century BCE and 3rd century CE and from earlier periods. The concurrent use of the North Bay and the nearby South Bay and Tantura Lagoon during late antiquity mostly took advantage of the natural coastal morphology, augmented only modestly by man-made infrastructure. These three sites served local and interregional maritime traffic at Dor, a clear attestation to a decentralized resource management that resists strict categorization. The resulting image of the maritime interface(s) at Dor does not fit perceptions of a harbor as a spatially rigid, centralized managed phenomenon. Such a seemingly disheveled use of the scarce resource of natural anchorages has shown remarkable tenacity over the longue durée in the southern Levant, as typified by Dor in late antiquity.



Tel Dor 俯瞰以色列南部黎凡特海岸线上的东地中海。在北多尔湾进行的水下勘测和沿海挖掘工作提供了公元 4 至 7 世纪拜占庭城市多拉的锚地证据。过去曾考虑过在城市的西北端存在这样一个锚地。还确定了公元前 1 世纪和公元 3 世纪之间以及更早时期的海上活动痕迹。古代晚期同时使用北湾和附近的南湾和坦图拉泻湖主要利用了自然海岸形态,仅通过人造基础设施适度增强。这三个站点服务于多尔的本地和区域间海上交通,明确证明分散的资源管理抵制严格的分类。Dor 海事界面的最终图像不符合将港口视为空间僵化、集中管理的现象的看法。这种对天然锚地稀缺资源的看似杂乱无章的使用在黎凡特南部的长滩上表现出非凡的坚韧,正如古代晚期的多尔所代表的那样。