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Crisis and Recovery: The Cost of Sustainable Development in Nuragic Sardinia
European Journal of Archaeology Pub Date : 2017-05-18 , DOI: 10.1017/eaa.2017.20
Nicola Ialongo

Crises are thresholds in human history, often marking substantial transformations in societies. Crises, however, are not instants in time. They start, unfold, and develop in a process that is often traumatic for social systems, with outcomes ranging from catastrophe to complete recovery. In this article, catastrophic models are employed to understand a non-catastrophic outcome: the complete recovery that nuragic Sardinia experienced after a long crisis, caused in the first place by unsustainable strategies of territorial expansion. Starting from the premises of the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’, it is argued that the transformation of nuragic society was the best way of avoiding the constraints that the social structure imposed on the perspective of a sustainable growth. The study is based on a geostatistical analysis of a large sample of settlements, and it attempts to quantify population growth ratios for the Late Bronze Age.


危机与复苏:Nuragic 撒丁岛的可持续发展成本

危机是人类历史的门槛,往往标志着社会的重大转变。然而,危机不是瞬间的。它们开始、展开和发展的过程往往对社会系统造成创伤,结果从灾难到完全恢复。在本文中,灾难性模型用于理解非灾难性结果:nuragic 撒丁岛在长期危机后经历的完全恢复,这首先是由不可持续的领土扩张战略引起的。从“公地悲剧”的前提出发,人们认为,农村社会的转型是避免社会结构对可持续增长前景的约束的最佳途径。该研究基于对大量定居点样本的地质统计分析,