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Le secret de famille dans Non-dits et Mentir vrai de Gisèle Fournier
Arcadia Pub Date : 2019-05-31 , DOI: 10.1515/arcadia-2019-0001
Isabelle Bernard

Abstract This article focuses on the theme of the family secret as literary genre, motif, and structure in the work of the contemporary French author Gisèle Fournier. Following a triaxle scheme, the article analyzes the particular polyphonic writing of the secret and the unspeakable, and explores the long psychological process of the victims as depicted in Fournier’s writings. In addition, the study situates Fournier’s oeuvre in the same tradition as two of the most prominent contemporary French authors, Marie NDiaye and Laurent Mauvignier.


Le secret de famille dans Non-dits et Mentir vrai de Gisèle Fournier

摘要 本文重点探讨当代法国作家吉赛尔·富尼耶(Gisèle Fournier)作品中作为文学体裁、母题和结构的家庭秘密这一主题。文章按照三轴方案,分析了秘密与不可言说的特殊复调写作,并探讨了富尼耶作品中所描绘的受害者漫长的心理过程。此外,这项研究将富尼耶的作品与两位最杰出的当代法国作家玛丽·恩迪亚耶 (Marie NDiaye) 和洛朗·莫维尼 (Laurent Mauvignier) 置于同一传统中。