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Natalia Igl and Julia Menzel, eds.: Illustrierte Zeitschriften um 1900. Mediale Eigenlogik, Multimodalität und Metaisierung. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2016 (Edition Medienwissenschaft). 420 pp.
Arcadia Pub Date : 2018-06-04 , DOI: 10.1515/arcadia-2018-0016
Neil Stewart 1

It is now more than ten years since Sean Latham and Robert Scholes pointed out in the issue for March 2006 of the PMLA magazine that “a new area of scholarship”was “emerging in the humanities and the more humanistic social sciences,” an academic trend they called “periodical studies,” spurred on by “the cultural turn in departments of language and literature” and by “the development of digital archives.” Just a few months later, the Germanist Erdmut Jost described the study of culture periodicals in an online review as “possibly the last great terra incognita”waiting to be explored in literary criticism. Since then, ‘periodical studies’ have indeed taken off (with particular attention being devoted to the ‘little magazines’ of Anglo-American Modernism and to the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries): conferences have been organized and large digitalization projects have come into being. Peter Brooker and Andrew Thacker edited the three-volume Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines, while Scholes proceeded with Clifford Wulfman to assemble a didactic textbook intended for use in academic seminars. The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies at Pennsylvania State University Press has been running for


Natalia Igl 和 Julia Menzel,编辑:Illustrierte Zeitschriften um 1900。Mediale Eigenlogik,Multimodalität und Metaisierung。比勒费尔德:成绩单,2016 年(Medienwissenschaft 版)。420 页。

自从肖恩·莱瑟姆和罗伯特·斯科尔斯在 PMLA 杂志 2006 年 3 月的一期中指出“一个新的学术领域”正在“人文学科和更具人文主义的社会科学中出现”,这是一种学术趋势,到现在已经十多年了。他们称之为“期刊研究”,受到“语言和文学系的文化转向”和“数字档案的发展”的推动。仅仅几个月后,德国主义者 Erdmut Jost 在在线评论中将文化期刊的研究描述为“可能是最后一个伟大的未知领域”,等待文学批评探索。从那时起,“期刊研究”确实起飞了(特别关注英美现代主义的“小杂志”以及 19 世纪和 20 世纪之交):组织会议,大型数字化项目应运而生。Peter Brooker 和 Andrew Thacker 编辑了三卷本的牛津现代主义杂志批判和文化史,而 Scholes 则与 Clifford Wulfman 一起编写了一本用于学术研讨会的教学教科书。宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社的现代期刊研究杂志一直在竞选