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Akustische Repräsentation und Polyphonie in Gryphius’ Carolus Stuardus
Arcadia Pub Date : 2019-05-31 , DOI: 10.1515/arcadia-2019-0004
Boris Previšić Mongelli

Gryphius reworks the first version of his tragedy Carolus Stuardus. In doing so, he elucidates not only the parallels with the Passion of Christ but also the presentation of the human voices at the medial interface between description and song. Irregular rhythmic arrangements of character discourse and the independence of the choruses from the plot point to a multifaceted contrast polyphony that can be readily measured against contemporary musical models.


Gryphius的Carolus Stuardus中的声学表示和复音

Gryphius重制了他的悲剧Carolus Stuardus的第一版。通过这样做,他不仅阐明了与基督受难的相似之处,而且阐明了人的声音在描述和歌曲之间的中间界面上的呈现。角色话语的不规则节奏安排以及合唱从情节的独立性到可以针对现代音乐模型轻松衡量的多方面对比复音。