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Differences in uptake of the DREAMS intervention in Lesotho among adolescent girls and young women
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies Pub Date : 2020-04-13 , DOI: 10.1080/17450128.2020.1748256
Alastair Van Heerden 1, 2 , Kombi Sausi 2 , Daniel Oliver 3 , Mahlape Phakoe 4 , Molarisi Mehale 4

ABSTRACT The Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe (DREAMS) Partnership is an initiative to reduce new HIV infections in Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) in 15 sub-Saharan countries. It is implemented through the delivery of a comprehensive package of evidence-based approaches and interventions in health, but also with an emphasis on addressing key drivers of high HIV prevalence in AGYW including poverty, gender inequality, sexual violence, lack of education, and social isolation and exclusion, which limit access to information, support, services, and livelihood opportunities. This study aimed to investigate the DREAMS initiative in Lesotho by comparing AGYW and their caregivers who had received two or more of the intervention services to match peers who had not yet participated in the program. A random sample of 150 AGYW were selected from implementing partner intervention lists, 126 (84%) of whom were enrolled. While HIV status was unknown, Dreamers across all age groups reported lower levels of sexual risk (OR 1.28; CI 1.01–1.63) and higher levels of self-efficacy (OR 0.85; CI 0.78–0.93). Dreamers were also more likely to have access to savings (Chi-Square 9.1, df 3, p < 0.05) as well as a plan for how to spend the money they earn (Chi-Square 11.0, df 4, p < 0.05). The parenting program was less successful with no meaningful difference being observed between the two groups of caregivers. These findings suggest that such AGYW in Lesotho who have participated in the initiative have shown improvements in their psychosocial and financial wellbeing as compared to their peers.



摘要坚定,有弹性,有能力,无艾滋病,有指导和安全的(DREAMS)合作伙伴关系是一项倡议,旨在减少撒哈拉以南15个国家的少女和年轻妇女(AGYW)的新的HIV感染。它是通过提供一揽子全面的循证卫生保健方法和干预措施来实施的,同时也着重解决了青年,青年和青年妇女艾滋病毒高流行的主要驱动因素,包括贫穷,性别不平等,性暴力,缺乏教育和社会孤立和排斥,这限制了对信息,支持,服务和生计机会的访问。这项研究旨在通过比较接受了两项或多项干预服务的AGYW和他们的看护人,以匹配尚未参加该计划的同龄人,来调查莱索托的DREAMS计划。从实施合作伙伴干预清单中随机抽取了150个AGYW,其中126个(占84%)被纳入。尽管艾滋病毒状况未知,但所有年龄段的梦想家都报告说其性风险较低(OR 1.28; CI 1.01–1.63)和自我效能水平较高(OR 0.85; CI 0.78–0.93)。做梦的人也更有可能获得储蓄(卡方9.1,df 3,p <0.05)以及如何使用他们赚到的钱的计划(卡方11.0,df 4,p <0.05)。育儿计划不太成功,两组看护人之间没有观察到有意义的差异。这些发现表明,参加这项倡议的莱索托的妇女青年组织比同龄人的社会心理和财务状况有所改善。