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“Too Vast, Too Complex, Too Grand”: Writing Space in John Wesley Powell’s Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons
Western American Literature Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/wal.2016.0022
José Liste Noya

sense but equally the territorial imperatives of a particular political system. Whether a map is produced under the banner of cartographic science as most offi cial maps have been or whether it is an overt propaganda exercise, it cannot escape involvement in the processes by which power is deployed” (279). 20. As Michael Bryson makes clear, for Powell “the scientifi c method— not the explorer, cowboy, politician, or Native American— serves as the symbolic savior of a troubled, constantly growing American West” (84). 21. “Reaching an eminence from which we can overlook the landscape, we are surprised to fi nd that our butte, with its wonderful form, is indeed two buttes, one so standing in front of the other that from our last point of view it gave the appearance of a cross” (Powell, Exploration 206). 22. “Th e river thunders in perpetual roar, swelling in fl oods of music when the storm gods play upon the rocks and fading away in soft and low murmurs when the infi nite blue of heaven is unveiled. With the melody of the great tide rising and falling, swelling and vanishing forever, other melodies are heard in the gorges of the lateral canyons, while the waters plunge in the rapids among the rocks or leap in great cataracts. Th us the Grand Canyon is a land of song. Mountains of music swell in the rivers, hills of music billow in the creeks, and meadows of music murmur in the rills that ripple over the rocks. Altogether it is a symphony of multitudinous melodies. All this is the music of waters” (Powell, Exploration 394). 23. Paul Carter refl ects thus on the imperialistic and exclusionary eff ects of the establishing of a boundary between the known and the unknown: “Th e frontier signifi es the decisive exclusion of all that is not culturally familiar: and it excludes it even when it incorporates it. For the act of incorporation involves the complete silencing and obliteration of whatever it was that made the frontier necessary in the fi rst place. Th e rhetorical signifi cance of the frontier is that it empties the beyond of any cultural signifi cance even before it is subdued” (Road 158). But in annulling through incorporation, denying what lies beyond the frontier its resistance



对特定政治制度的领土要求同样具有意义。无论地图是像大多数官方地图那样在制图科学的旗帜下制作的,还是公开的宣传活动,它都无法逃避参与部署权力的过程”(279)。20. 正如迈克尔·布赖森 (Michael Bryson) 所明确指出的,对鲍威尔来说,“科学方法——而不是探险家、牛仔、政治家或美洲原住民——是陷入困境、不断发展的美国西部的象征性救星”(84)。21. “到达一个可以俯瞰风景的高处,我们惊讶地发现我们的山丘以其美妙的形式,确实是两个山丘,一个如此站立在另一个之前,从我们的最后一个角度来看它出现了一个十字架”(鲍威尔,探索 206)。22.“河流在永恒的咆哮中雷鸣,当风暴之神在岩石上玩耍时,在音乐的洪流中膨胀,当天堂的无限蓝色揭开时,在柔和而低沉的低语中消失。大潮的旋律起起落落,永远膨胀消逝,在横向峡谷的峡谷中听到了其他的旋律,而水在岩石间的急流中或在大瀑布中跳跃。因此,大峡谷是一片歌声之地。音乐的山峦在河流中膨胀,音乐的山丘在小溪中翻腾,音乐的草地在岩石上荡漾的小溪中喃喃自语。总而言之,这是一首由众多旋律组成的交响曲。这一切都是水的音乐”(鲍威尔,探索 394)。23. 保罗卡特因此反映了在已知和未知之间建立界限的帝国主义和排他性影响:“边界意味着决定性地排除所有在文化上不熟悉的东西:即使它包含了它,它也将它排除在外。因为合并行为包括完全沉默和抹杀首先使边界成为必要的任何东西。边疆的修辞意义在于它甚至在它被征服之前就清空了任何文化意义的超越”(158号公路)。但是在通过合并取消,否认边界之外的事物时,它的抵抗 边疆的修辞意义在于它甚至在它被征服之前就清空了任何文化意义的超越”(158号公路)。但是在通过合并取消,否认边界之外的事物时,它的抵抗 边疆的修辞意义在于它甚至在它被征服之前就清空了任何文化意义的超越”(158号公路)。但是在通过合并取消,否认边界之外的事物时,它的抵抗