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Songs that Carry Transformation: Pentecostal Praise and Worship Rituals in Nairobi, Kenya
Mission Studies Pub Date : 2018-05-31 , DOI: 10.1163/15733831-12341570
Martina Prosén 1

In this article, the theological meaning of transformation is examined from the vantage point of a local Pentecostal church in Nairobi, Kenya, and its liturgical practices. The church under study is the Woodley branch of Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM Woodley), formerly Nairobi Pentecostal Church (NPC) Woodley, and data was collected through field research. Arguing with the help of Steven Land's standard work Pentecostal Spirituality. A Passion for the Kingdom, it is demonstrated that praise and worship rituals function as vehicles for transformation in the theology/spirituality of the informants. Singing and making music are not optional or random activities, but constitute a core ritual providing congregants a viable route to a central goal of Pentecostal spirituality: transformation. Transformation is thus both an idea and a goal, and praise and worship rituals - including the songs sung in worship - constitute a crucial link between the two. (Less)



在本文中,从肯尼亚内罗毕当地的五旬节教会及其礼仪实践的角度,检验了转变的神学意义。所研究的教会是基督的伍德利分会是应答事工(CITAM Woodley),前身是内罗毕五旬节教会(NPC)伍德利,数据是通过实地调查收集的。在史蒂文兰德的标准作品五旬节灵性的帮助下争论。对王国的热情,证明赞美和敬拜仪式是信息提供者神学/灵性转变的工具。唱歌和制作音乐不是可选或随机的活动,而是一种核心仪式,为会众提供了一条可行的途径,以达到五旬节灵性的中心目标:转变。因此,转型既是一个想法,也是一个目标,赞美和敬拜仪式——包括敬拜中所唱的歌曲——构成了两者之间的重要联系。(较少的)