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Stumbling over History: Stolpersteine and the Performance of Memory in Spain's Streets
Theatre Research International Pub Date : 2020-02-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0307883319000555

The Stolpersteine (‘stumbling stones’) memorial project commemorates victims of Nazi violence and the Holocaust through an individual marker installed outside the last willing residence before deportation and execution. The Stolpersteine project has spread throughout Europe, providing an urban topography of sites where traumatic events occurred. Because Stolpersteine are placed in public streets, they create performance possibilities, inviting passing pedestrians to engage in past history and trauma. As the project grows throughout Europe, however, the universality of the stones abuts with the specificity of local history and memory. This article considers the Stolpersteine installed in the Catalan city of Manresa. These stones, representing twenty-eight Spanish Republicans who were interned at the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, are framed by a Catalan-language audio guide that directly points to the collaboration of the Francisco Franco dictatorship with Nazi Germany. In so doing, the stones in Spain also stand for violence meted out during the Spanish Civil War and the Franco dictatorship.


历史的绊脚石:Stolpersteine 和西班牙街头的记忆表现

斯托珀斯坦(“绊脚石”)纪念项目通过在驱逐和处决前最后一个自愿住所外安装的个人标记来纪念纳粹暴力和大屠杀的受害者。这斯托珀斯坦该项目已遍及整个欧洲,提供了发生创伤事件的地点的城市地形。因为斯托珀斯坦被放置在公共街道上,它们创造了表演的可能性,邀请过往的行人参与过去的历史和创伤。然而,随着该项目在整个欧洲的发展,石头的普遍性与当地历史和记忆的特殊性密切相关。本文认为斯托珀斯坦安装在加泰罗尼亚曼雷萨市。这些石头代表被关押在毛特豪森-古森集中营的 28 名西班牙共和党人,由加泰罗尼亚语语音指南构成,直接指向弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥独裁政权与纳粹德国的合作。这样一来,西班牙的石头也代表了西班牙内战和佛朗哥独裁统治期间的暴力行为。