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Study on the two Daoist treatises of ‘Sitting in Oblivion’
Studies in Chinese Religions Pub Date : 2016-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/23729988.2016.1245979
Jinhua Jia

ABSTRACT Traditionally two Tang-dynasty Daoist treatises both titled ‘Zuowang lun’ 坐忘 論 (Treatise on Sitting in Oblivion) have been attributed to Sima Chengzhen 司馬承楨 (647–735). This study adds new evidence to the recent reattribution of the longer, seven-chapter ‘Zuowang lun’ to Zhao Jian 趙堅. It further finds that the shorter ‘Zuowang lun’ inscription is also not Sima’s work, and it is possible that the Daoist priestess Liu Moran 柳默然 (773–840) composed it. This short treatise, together with Liu’s other inscription, presents some important concepts on Daoist inner cultivation and an influential link in the formational process of inner-alchemy theory.


