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Goddess of Anarchy: The Life and Times of Lucy Parsons, American Radical by Jacqueline Jones
Southwestern Historical Quarterly Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/swh.2019.0015
Judith N. McArthur

es were heard, equated Christie’s refusal to make the long journey from Indian Territory to Arkansas to enter a plea with an admission of guilt. A series of political assassinations in the bordering Choctaw Nation also raised Parker’s hackles because he had no jurisdiction over Indian-onIndian crimes. Therefore, Christie’s capture or death became imperative. Christie had committed other crimes; he was certainly no angel. But it seems quite possible he was more scapegoat than murderer. Assessing the literature surrounding Christie, the author concludes that one might explain errors and half-truths of contemporary journalists and early novelists in a single phrase: sensationalism sells. What she reserves for special criticism are works like Philip Steele’s The Last Cherokee Warriors (Pelican Publishing, 1987) and Bonnie Speer’s The Killing of Ned Christie (Reliance Printing, 1990), both rife with inaccuracies. Steele claimed he obtained firsthand observations from the son of Ned’s half-brother, who as it turns out was only two years old in 1892. Speer contacted members of Christie’s family, but she took offense when they noted mistakes. Because she owned the publishing house that produced her book, Speer refused to make changes. Nearly all books, articles, and films about Christie to date reveal a similar absence of investigative depth. This excellent study is based on painstaking research. Readers may find the crowded cast of characters difficult to follow, especially considering the variety of spellings, aliases, and nicknames. Christie is alternately referred to as “Nede” or “Ned,” which sometimes results in his being confused with others. The sheer complexity of events may force readers to backtrack in order to pick up lost threads. Still, the study is thorough and the narrative quite readable, well suited for general and academic readers alike. Clearly this will remain the definitive work on Ned Christie for some time to come.



es 被听到,等同于克里斯蒂拒绝从印度领土到阿肯色州的长途跋涉以认罪认罪。接壤的乔克托民族发生的一系列政治暗杀事件也激起了帕克的愤怒,因为他对印度对印度的罪行没有管辖权。因此,克里斯蒂的被捕或死亡变得势在必行。克里斯蒂犯下了其他罪行;他当然不是天使。但他似乎更像是替罪羊而不是凶手。评估围绕克里斯蒂的文学作品,作者得出结论,可以用一个词来解释当代记者和早期小说家的错误和半真半假:耸人听闻的销售。她保留特别批评的是像菲利普斯蒂尔的《最后的切诺基勇士》(鹈鹕出版社,1987 年)和邦妮·斯佩尔(Bonnie Speer)的《内德·克里斯蒂之死》(The Killing of Ned Christie)(信实印刷,1990 年),两者都充斥着不准确之处。斯蒂尔声称他从奈德同父异母兄弟的儿子那里获得了第一手观察结果,事实证明他在 1892 年只有两岁。斯佩尔联系了克里斯蒂的家人,但当他们发现错误时,她很生气。因为她拥有出版她的书的出版社,施佩尔拒绝做出改变。迄今为止,几乎所有关于克里斯蒂的书籍、文章和电影都揭示了类似的调查深度缺失。这项出色的研究基于艰苦的研究。读者可能会发现难以理解拥挤的角色阵容,尤其是考虑到拼写、别名和昵称的多样性。克里斯蒂有时被称为“Nede”或“Ned”,这有时会导致他与其他人混淆。事件的绝对复杂性可能会迫使读者回溯以找到丢失的线程。尽管如此,这项研究还是透彻的,叙述的可读性很强,非常适合普通读者和学术读者。显然,在未来一段时间内,这仍将是 Ned Christie 的最终作品。