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Voices, Places
Sewanee Review Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/sew.2016.0085
David Mason

A how are voices like places? They move through us as we move through them. The voices of great writers guide us without telling us where we are going—except, of course, to that most obvious destination of all. We are guided by ambiguity— that’s the way literature works. And the way travel works as well. Travel is a curiosity. We understand it only when we stop moving, sit still, and begin to listen back. These are notes from a journey of surprising correspondences, distant rhymes. Voices, places. They begin at startled dawn and end with an unpacked suitcase, and in between lie impressions both Mediterranean and Pacific. Impressions are presences you cannot hold on to, like lives.



A 声音如何像地方?当我们穿过它们时,它们穿过我们。伟大作家的声音指引着我们,却不告诉我们要去哪里——当然,除了那个最明显的目的地。我们以模棱两可为导向——这就是文学的运作方式。旅行的方式也是如此。旅行是一种好奇。只有当我们停止移动、静坐并开始回听时,我们才能理解它。这些音符来自一段令人惊讶的对应、遥远的韵律之旅。声音, 地方. 他们从惊魂未定的黎明开始,以一个打开的行李箱结束,在地中海和太平洋之间的谎言印象之间。印象是你无法坚持的存在,就像生命一样。