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A woman saint in the Parisian colleges: Claude Roillet'sCatharinae Tragoedia(1556)
Renaissance Studies Pub Date : 2016-08-29 , DOI: 10.1111/rest.12242
John Nassichuk 1

This article introduces and examines a hitherto little-discussed tragedy by the French humanist Claude Roillet, professor and principal at the College de Bourgogne in the University of Paris during the reign of Henri II. This brief five-act play entitled Catharinae tragedia, which presents the life of the iconic saint Catherine of Alexandria, based principally upon information gleaned from late-mediaeval, Latin prose sources, was first printed amongst the author's collected Varia Poemata in 1556. This study shall examine Roillet's debt to his Latin sources, with some consideration of possible influences exercised by the vernacular, dramatic mysteries devoted to Catherine and presented in France during the first half of the sixteenth century. The objective is to situate this Latin play within the tradition of texts of all genres devoted to this well-known character who is frequently met with in mediaeval and early Renaissance iconography. The article will also discuss the didactic aspects proper to Roillet's presentation of the story.


巴黎学院的女圣人:克劳德·罗耶的《Catharinae Tragoedia》(1556)

本文介绍并考察了亨利二世统治时期法国人文主义者克劳德·罗耶(Claude Roillet)的悲剧,他是巴黎大学勃艮第学院的教授兼校长。这部名为 Catharinae tragedia 的简短五幕剧主要基于从中世纪晚期拉丁散文来源收集的信息,主要基于从中世纪晚期的拉丁散文资料中收集的信息,呈现了标志性的亚历山大圣凯瑟琳的生平,于 1556 年首次在作者收集的 Varia Poemata 中印刷。 这项研究将检查 Roillet 对他的拉丁文来源的债务,并考虑一些可能的影响,这些影响是由 16 世纪上半叶在法国呈现的、致力于凯瑟琳的本土戏剧性神秘故事所产生的。目标是将这部拉丁戏剧置于所有流派文本的传统中,这些文本致力于在中世纪和早期文艺复兴时期的肖像画中经常遇到的这位著名人物。这篇文章还将讨论 Roillet 对故事的呈现所特有的教学方面。