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The rising number of women recalled to prison
Probation Journal Pub Date : 2019-05-15 , DOI: 10.1177/0264550519844106a
Madeline Petrillo 1

This report by the Prison Reform Trust reports on a small-scale study examining the rising number of women recalled to prison. Recalls of women have risen 27% since the implementation of ORA 2014. In contrast to recalls of men, the number of women recalled has continued to rise beyond expected increases resulting from the extension of post-custody supervision. The report investigates the reasons for this through interviews and panels with 24 women recalled between March and August 2018. Recalls of women were activated for failure to keep in touch or non-compliance far more often than for new criminal charges. The women in the study explained their recall in terms of multiple and complex needs. Of the 24 women:



监狱改革信托基金的这份报告报告了一项小规模研究,该研究调查了被召回监狱的妇女人数不断增加的情况。自 2014 年实施 ORA 以来,女性召回率上升了 27%。与男性召回率相比,召回女性的数量继续上升,超出了监管后监督范围的扩大所带来的预期增长。该报告通过对 2018 年 3 月至 8 月期间召回的 24 名女性进行访谈和小组讨论来调查其原因。与新的刑事指控相比,女性因未能保持联系或不遵守规定而被召回的频率更高。研究中的女性从多重和复杂的需求方面解释了她们的回忆。在 24 名女性中: