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The Inequalities of Infamy
Oxford Art Journal Pub Date : 2016-07-28 , DOI: 10.1093/oxartj/kcw010
Valerie Mainz

The contribution has for focus the etching by Isaak Cruikshank, entitled The Martyr of Equality: Behold the Progress of our System. The critical analysis of the caricature conjoins the figurative forms of the visual imagery with its words investigating, in the process, several of the interdependent layers of meaning that can be imputed therefrom. Produced in the days after the execution of the French King Louis XVI, which had taken place on 21 January 1793, this satirical view of the beheading of the monarch shows off the mechanism of the guillotine as a bloody, equalising, killing machine. The central figure of Philippe Egalite, the King’s distant cousin who had voted for the death of the King, is in the guise of the executioner here, but he, too, would be sent to the guillotine on 6 November of the same year.



贡献的焦点是 Isaak Cruikshank 的蚀刻,题为“平等的殉道者:看看我们系统的进步”。对漫画的批判性分析将视觉意象的比喻形式与其词语结合起来,在这个过程中,可以从中推断出几个相互依赖的意义层。在 1793 年 1 月 21 日处决法国国王路易十六之后的几天里,这部讽刺斩首君主的画面展示了断头台的机制是一种血腥的、平等的杀人机器。投票支持国王死亡的国王的远房表亲菲利普·埃加里特 (Philippe Egalite) 的核心人物在这里伪装成刽子手,但他也将于同年 11 月 6 日被送上断头台。