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Hiobs Fürbitte vor dem Brandopfer seiner Freunde – ein wiederentdecktes Werk von Hendrick Bloemaert
Oud Holland Pub Date : 2016-12-21 , DOI: 10.1163/18750176-12901007
Stefan Bartilla

A painting in a private Amsterdam collection, which until now had been attributed to Jacob Adriaensz Backer, shows a surprisingly close relation to the 1633 picture Penitent King David byHendrick Bloemaert in the National Gallery in Prague. After a close comparison with a passage from Scripture (Job chapter 42, verses 7-9) and a print by Adriaen Collaert, based on a drawing by Johannes Stradanus, the subject of the Amsterdam picture has been determined anew as Job's intercession at the Burnt Offering of His Friends. An analysis of style of the Job-painting, based on a comparison with works by Hendrick Bloemaert and his father Abraham Bloemaert, confirms the attribution to Hendrick Bloemaert. Lastly, the Amsterdam picture is identified with a painting, assumed to be lost, which according to a source from 1778, was painted by Hendrick Bloemaert and dedicated to the Sint Jobsgasthuis in Utrecht in 1633 and which depicts the "Gebed en Brand-offer van Hiob"


Hiobs Fürbitte vor dem Brandopfer seiner Freunde – ein wiederentdecktes Werk von Hendrick Bloemaert

阿姆斯特丹私人收藏中的一幅画,直到现在都归功于雅各布·阿德里亚恩斯·巴克 (Jacob Adriaensz Backer),显示出与布拉格国家美术馆中亨德里克·布洛梅尔 (Hendrick Bloemaert) 的 1633 年画作《忏悔的大卫王》(Peitent King David) 的密切关系。在与圣经中的一段话(约伯记第 42 章,第 7-9 节)和 Adriaen Collaert 根据约翰内斯·斯特拉达努斯(Johannes Stradanus)的一幅画作仔细比较后,阿姆斯特丹图片的主题被重新确定为约伯在被烧毁的地方的代祷献给他的朋友。基于与亨德里克·布洛梅尔特和他父亲亚伯拉罕·布洛梅尔特的作品的比较,对工作绘画风格的分析证实了亨德里克·布洛梅尔特的归属。最后,阿姆斯特丹的照片被认定为一幅画,据推测已丢失,根据 1778 年的消息来源,