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The End of the Road: State Liability for Acts of UN Peacekeeping Contingents After the Dutch Supreme Court’s Judgment in Mothers of Srebrenica (2019)
Netherlands International Law Review Pub Date : 2019-11-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s40802-019-00149-z
Cedric Ryngaert , Otto Spijkers

This article provides an analysis of the Dutch Supreme Court judgment in the Mothers of Srebrenica case, placing it in its context, and comparing it with earlier and related decisions, in particular the judgments in the cases of Nuhanovic and Mustafic. The Mothers of Srebrenica is a foundation established to represent the interests of the approximately 6000 surviving relatives of the victims of the fall of Srebrenica during the conflict in the former Yugoslavia (1995). The foundation holds the Netherlands responsible for not having done enough to protect the victims of the Srebrenica genocide. This contribution addresses the attribution of the conduct of the United Nations peacekeeping contingent to the troop-contributing State (the Netherlands), followed by the wrongfulness of the peacekeepers’ conduct and the State’s attendant liability for damages suffered by the victims. It is argued that the Dutch State’s international responsibility was only engaged because of the exceptional circumstances present in Srebrenica at the time. In the ordinary course of events, the liability of troop-contributing States is unlikely to be engaged if the Supreme Court’s review standard were to be applied.


道路的尽头:荷兰最高法院对斯雷布雷尼察母亲案作出判决后联合国维和特遣队行为的国家责任(2019 年)

本文分析了荷兰最高法院在斯雷布雷尼察母亲案中的判决,将其置于上下文中,并将其与早期和相关判决,特别是对 Nuhanovic 和 Mustafic 案件的判决进行比较。斯雷布雷尼察之母是一个基金会,旨在代表前南斯拉夫(1995 年)冲突期间斯雷布雷尼察沦陷受害者的大约 6000 名幸存亲属的利益。该基金会认为荷兰在保护斯雷布雷尼察种族灭绝的受害者方面做得不够。该文稿涉及将联合国维持和平特遣队的行为归于部队派遣国(荷兰)的问题,其次是维和人员行为的不法性以及国家对受害者遭受的损害的随之而来的责任。有人争辩说,荷兰国的国际责任只是因为当时斯雷布雷尼察存在特殊情况。在正常情况下,如果适用最高法院的审查标准,则不太可能涉及部队派遣国的责任。