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L’institutionnalisation du droit international comme phénomène transnational (1869–1873). Les réseaux européens de Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns
Journal of the History of International Law Pub Date : 2016-04-13 , DOI: 10.1163/15718050-12340056
Vincent Genin 1

This article deals with a phenomenon which appears in a particular context: the institutionalisation of international law between 1869 (creation of the Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee) and 1873 (birth of the Institut de Droit International), through the international networks of the Belgian lawyer Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns. He was close to Pasquale Mancini, John Westlake, James Lorimer, Franz Von Holtzendorff, but also to the least-known Michael Corr-Van der Maeren, a publicist. Until this period of crystallisation this field was not structured and represented an aggregate of individualities. What can we say about such a process of institutionalisation on the basis of unpublished archives? The history of international law, until today, especially studied by lawyers, was very neglected by historians, whose methods and sources are complementary to those of the lawyer. Our contribution wishes to contribute to the development of a history of international law written by historians.



本文讨论了一种在特定情况下出现的现象:1869年(国际法和比较法的创立)与1873年(德罗伊国际研究所的诞生)之间的国际法制度化,通过比利时律师古斯塔夫·罗林·贾奎姆尼斯(Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns)。他与帕斯夸莱·曼奇尼(Pasquale Mancini),约翰·韦斯特莱克(John Westlake),詹姆斯·洛里默(James Lorimer),弗朗兹·冯·霍尔森多夫(Franz Von Holtzendorff)接近,但与知名度最低的公关人员迈克尔·科尔·范德梅伦(Michael Corr-Van der Maeren)接近。直到这段结晶期,这个领域才被构筑起来,代表了个性的集合。关于未公开档案的这种制度化过程,我们能说些什么?直到今天,国际法的历史,特别是由律师研究的历史,都被历史学家所忽视,其方法和来源是律师的补充。我们的贡献希望为历史学家撰写的国际法历史的发展做出贡献。