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Modernity as Theodicy: Odo Marquard Reads Hans Blumenberg's The Legitimacy of the Modern Age
Journal of the History of Ideas Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jhi.2019.0006
Willem Styfhals

Abstract:Especially in the second part of The Legitimacy of the Modern Age, Hans Blumenberg considered philosophical modernity through a reflection on theodicy. Theodicy even appeared here as constitutive for modernity, although this philosophical project of defending God against the existence of evil had been challenged several times in the past centuries. This role of theodicy in Legitimacy has been emphasized by Blumenberg's readers, particularly Odo Marquard. This article shows how debates on modernity and theodicy actually played a more central role in the early reception of Blumenberg's book than his debates with Karl Löwith or Carl Schmitt on secularization.



摘要:特别是在《现代的合法性》的第二部分,汉斯·布鲁门伯格通过对神正论的反思来思考哲学的现代性。神正论甚至在这里出现,作为现代性的组成部分,尽管在过去的几个世纪里,这种捍卫上帝免受邪恶存在的哲学计划曾多次受到挑战。布卢门伯格的读者,尤其是奥多·马夸德(Odo Marquard)强调了神正论在合法性中的作用。这篇文章展示了关于现代性和神正论的辩论实际上如何在布鲁门伯格的书的早期接受中发挥了比他与卡尔·洛维特或卡尔·施密特关于世俗化的辩论更重要的作用。