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Perfecting Community as "One Man": Moses Ḥayim Luzzatto's Pietistic Confraternity in Eighteenth-Century Padua
Journal of the History of Ideas Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jhi.2020.0005
David Sclar

Scholars have generally depicted kabbalists within an air of exclusivity. During the second quarter of the eighteenth century, however, a handful of Jewish mystics in Padua, led by Moses HayimLuzzatto, opened their secret society to others interested but not adept in Kabbalah in an attempt to establish a "perfected community" and attain the long-awaited messianic redemption. This article explores the social factors and intentions that drove the group's activity, specifically how Luzzatto's thoughts of the unity of creation played out in life and community.


完善社区为“一个人”:摩西 Ḥayim Luzzatto 在 18 世纪帕多瓦的虔诚兄弟会

学者们通常以一种独特的氛围描绘卡巴拉学家。然而,在 18 世纪下半叶,由摩西·哈伊姆·卢扎托 (Moses HayimLuzzatto) 领导的帕多瓦的少数犹太神秘主义者向其他对卡巴拉感兴趣但不擅长的人开放了他们的秘密社团,试图建立一个“完美的社区”并获得长期- 等待弥赛亚的救赎。本文探讨了推动团体活动的社会因素和意图,特别是 Luzzatto 的创造统一思想如何在生活和社区中发挥作用。