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Translating Nature: Cross-Cultural Histories of Early Modern Science ed. by Jaime Marroquín Arredondo and Ralph Bauer
Journal of World History Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jwh.2020.0038
Jack Bouchard

Fluctuation and the Maunder Minimum, two severe cold phases. The reasons why the Dutch prospered in this time were complex, and often had little to do with weather. Yet the chilliest phases of the Little Ice Age offered more advantages than disadvantages for most Dutch inhabitants. As usual the book contains an appendix (pp. 310–312), an extensive bibliography (pp. 313–354) with more than 500 titles, and is indexed (pp. 355–364) in an exemplary manner. The book offers a completely new approach to the history of the Dutch Republic and shows that it was influencedmore positively by the Little Ice Age than previously thought. The consequences of climatic change lead to a kind of pressure that developed societies can not only withstand (“resilience”) but also can stimulate new developments and the distribution of inventions, like for example the Dutch that used sailing and windmills as an answer to stronger winds. More than other regions of Europe, the Dutch Republic was threatened by the changing climate conditions due to its proximity to the sea. It used this confrontation to its advantage. This book is a starting point for all future research into the Little Ice Age and the Low Countries at its Frigid Golden Age. Overall this is a very carefully balanced book that avoids any potential pitfalls of determinism.


翻译自然:早期现代科学的跨文化历史编辑。作者:Jaime Marroquín Arredondo 和 Ralph Bauer

波动和蒙德极小期,两个严寒阶段。荷兰人在这个时期繁荣的原因很复杂,而且往往与天气关系不大。然而,对于大多数荷兰居民来说,小冰河时代最寒冷的阶段利大于弊。像往常一样,这本书包含一个附录(第 310-312 页)、一个包含 500 多个标题的广泛参考书目(第 313-354 页),并以典型的方式编入索引(第 355-364 页)。这本书为了解荷兰共和国的历史提供了一种全新的方法,并表明小冰河时代对它的影响比以前想象的要大。气候变化的后果导致一种发达社会不仅可以承受(“复原力”)而且可以刺激新的发展和发明的传播的压力,例如荷兰人使用帆船和风车来应对强风。与欧洲其他地区相比,荷兰共和国由于靠近大海而受到不断变化的气候条件的威胁。它利用这种对抗来发挥自己的优势。这本书是所有未来研究小冰河时代和处于寒冷黄金时代的低地国家的起点。总的来说,这是一本非常仔细平衡的书,避免了任何潜在的决定论陷阱。这本书是所有未来研究小冰河时代和处于寒冷黄金时代的低地国家的起点。总的来说,这是一本非常仔细平衡的书,避免了任何潜在的决定论陷阱。这本书是所有未来研究小冰河时代和处于寒冷黄金时代的低地国家的起点。总的来说,这是一本非常仔细平衡的书,避免了任何潜在的决定论陷阱。