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Informing the politician: Politics in Parisian citizens’ letters to their députés, 1900–1914
Journal of Modern European History ( IF 0.214 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-07 , DOI: 10.1177/1611894420927218
Marnix Beyen 1

‘You wanted a mandate, I have given you one’, the voter says to the député. ‘Now you have to use your influence in order to satisfy my own ambitions. I have given you what I have, now give me what you have’. [. . .] It is a continuous blackmailing regime. The député only keeps the ‘confidence’ of his voters if he uninterruptedly showers over his constituency the beneficent manna of governmental profits great and small. [. . .] The deputy does what he can in order to meet that ambition. As long as he distributes many places and favours in his constituency, he is permitted to vote as he wishes in Paris. His voters will not cavil at that. Votes of principle are indifferent to them.


告知政治家:1900 年至 1914 年巴黎公民给他们的代表的信中的政治

“你想要一个授权,我已经给了你一个”,选民对代表说。“现在你必须利用你的影响力来满足我自己的野心。我已经给了你我所拥有的,现在给我你所拥有的。” [. . .] 这是一个持续的敲诈制度。议员只有不间断地向他的选区倾泻政府大大小小的利润的仁慈甘露,才能保持选民的“信心”。[. . .] 副手尽其所能来实现这一雄心壮志。只要他在他的选区中分配许多地方和人情,他就可以在巴黎随心所欲地投票。他的选民不会对此嗤之以鼻。原则性投票对他们漠不关心。