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Kleinstaaten und sekundäre Akteure im Kalten Krieg: Politische, wirtschaftliche, militärische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Europa und Lateinamerika. by Albert Manke and Kateřina Březinová, eds., Bielefeld, Germany: transcript, 2016. 338 pp. €39.99.
Journal of Cold War Studies ( IF 0.620 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1162/jcws_r_00961
Teresa Huhle 1

he provides interesting vignettes, but unfortunately a great deal that is of interest is not examined in detail. Shalikashvili had experience both in command and in Washington, DC. Both types of tours require distinct competencies and styles. A much deeper look at how Shalikashvili operated in both environments would have strengthened the book. It also seems odd that Joan Shalikashvili, married to the general for 45 years and the mother of his children, receives far less attention than his high school paramour. Marble understandably pays attention to Shalikashvili’s role in Operation Provide Comfort, designed to avert mass suffering and restore some semblance of order to Kurdish refugee encampments in the mountains of northern Iraq. Shalikashvili was placed in command and performed admirably. Here, too, more information would have been welcome. Humanitarian operations pose unique challenges—in this case ranging from ensuring that the Iraqis did not continue pursuing the Kurds to coordinating a plethora of non-governmental organizations, while under the unblinking eye of the international press. Marble does do a good job discussing how Shalikashvili became JCS chairman, as well as how, given his diffidence, he almost did not. However, Shalikashvili’s tenure as chairman gets less attention than warranted. Although his predecessor, General Colin Powell, cast a large shadow and the consequences of the terrorist attacks of September 2001 drew attention away from Shalikashvili, his work, especially, in overseeing the development of Joint Vision 2020, made a significant contribution to shaping U.S. military thinking about warfighting, much of which persists even now. This record deserves a deeper examination. It is better to have a biography of Shalikashvili in print than not. Until something better comes along, The Boy on the Bridge will have to do.


Kleinstaaten und sekundäre Akteure im Kalten Krieg:Politische、wirtschaftliche、militärische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Europa 和 Lateinamerika。作者:Albert Manke 和 Kateřina Březinová,编辑,德国比勒费尔德:成绩单,2016 年。338 页。39.99 欧元。

他提供了有趣的小插曲,但不幸的是,很多令人感兴趣的内容没有详细研究。沙利卡什维利在指挥和华盛顿特区都有经验。两种类型的旅行都需要不同的能力和风格。更深入地了解 Shalikashvili 如何在两种环境中运作会加强这本书。同样奇怪的是,与将军结婚 45 年并且是他孩子的母亲的琼·沙利卡什维利 (Joan Shalikashvili) 受到的关注远不如他的高中情人。Marble 可以理解地关注 Shalikashvili 在“提供安慰行动”中的作用,该行动旨在避免大规模的痛苦并恢复伊拉克北部山区库尔德难民营地的一些秩序。沙利卡什维利被任命为指挥官,表现令人钦佩。在这里,也欢迎提供更多信息。人道主义行动带来了独特的挑战——在这种情况下,从确保伊拉克人不会继续追捕库尔德人到在国际新闻界一眨不眨的眼睛下协调过多的非政府组织。Marble 确实很好地讨论了 Shalikashvili 如何成为 JCS 主席,以及考虑到他的不自信,他几乎没有成为主席。然而,沙利卡什维利的董事长任期并没有得到应有的关注。尽管他的前任科林·鲍威尔将军投下了巨大的阴影,并且 2001 年 9 月恐怖袭击的后果引起了沙利卡什维利的注意,但他的工作,特别是在监督 2020 年联合愿景的发展方面,为塑造美国军队做出了重大贡献。考虑作战,其中大部分甚至现在仍然存在。这条记录值得深入研究。出版一本沙利卡什维利的传记总比没有好。在更好的事情出现之前,桥上的男孩将不得不做。