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Re-(Modi)fying India’s Israel Policy: An Exploration of Practical Geopolitical Reasoning Through Re-representation of ‘India’, ‘Israel’ and ‘West Asia’ Post-2014
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1177/2347797020906647
Tanvi Pate 1

Abstract Narendra Modi became the first Prime Minister of India to undertake a stand-alone visit to Israel from 4 to 6 July 2017. Although India–Israel relations had been normalised in 1992, the nature of this bilateral relationship remained murky as India avoided any explicit recognition. However, with Modi’s visit, the policy of ‘equidistance’ or ‘de-hyphenation’ of ‘Israel’ and ‘Palestine’ was formally operationalised proclaiming that India’s relations with one country will have no impact on relations with the other. Conventional academic wisdom attributes causal determinants to Indian foreign policy vis-à-vis Israel as guided by international and domestic factors. This article contends that a constitutive approach to understanding India’s foreign policy towards Israel and the Middle East offers a viable alternative. Adopting Gearoid O Tuathail’s theoretical framework of practical geopolitical reasoning, this article critically explores the geopolitical representations of ‘India’, ‘Israel’, ‘Palestine’, ‘West Asia’, ‘South Asia’ and ‘Middle East’ in the National Democratic Alliance government’s foreign policy discourse through an analysis of ‘grammar of geopolitics’, ‘geopolitical storylines’ and ‘geopolitical script’. The article demonstrates that re-representation of ‘India’ as a ‘global actor’ and re-representation of ‘Israel’ as a country in ‘West Asia’ have enabled the Modi-led government to implement India–Israel bilateral partnership which underscores strategic cooperation in full visibility via overt normalisation.



摘要 2017 年 7 月 4 日至 6 日,纳伦德拉·莫迪成为印度首位单独访问以色列的总理。虽然印以关系于 1992 年实现正常化,但由于印度避免任何明确的双边关系,这种双边关系的性质仍然模糊不清。认出。然而,随着莫迪的访问,“以色列”和“巴勒斯坦”的“等距”或“去连字符”政策正式实施,宣布印度与一国的关系不会影响另一国的关系。传统的学术智慧将因果决定因素归因于以国际和国内因素为指导的印度对以色列外交政策。本文认为,理解印度对以色列和中东的外交政策的基本方法提供了一个可行的选择。本文采用Gearoid O Tuathail的实用地缘政治推理理论框架,批判性地探讨了“印度”、“以色列”、“巴勒斯坦”、“西亚”、“南亚”和“中东”在民族民主联盟中的地缘政治表征通过对“地缘政治语法”、“地缘政治故事情节”和“地缘政治脚本”的分析,了解政府的外交政策话语。文章表明,将“印度”重新表述为“全球行动者”和将“以色列”重新表述为“西亚”国家,使莫迪领导的政府能够实施印以双边伙伴关系,强调战略通过公开的正常化实现完全可见的合作。“以色列”、“巴勒斯坦”、“西亚”、“南亚”和“中东”在民族民主联盟政府外交政策话语中的“地缘政治语法”、“地缘政治故事情节”和“地缘政治剧本”分析. 文章表明,将“印度”重新表述为“全球行动者”和将“以色列”重新表述为“西亚”国家,使莫迪领导的政府能够实施印以双边伙伴关系,强调战略通过公开的正常化实现完全可见的合作。“以色列”、“巴勒斯坦”、“西亚”、“南亚”和“中东”在民族民主联盟政府外交政策话语中的“地缘政治语法”、“地缘政治故事情节”和“地缘政治剧本”分析. 文章表明,将“印度”重新表述为“全球参与者”和将“以色列”重新表述为“西亚”国家,使莫迪领导的政府能够实施印以双边伙伴关系,强调战略通过公开的正常化实现完全可见的合作。