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Dhimmī-s de la Syrie rurale et institutions mameloukes : de l’utilisation de la théorie shāfiʿite à l’autonomie juridictionnelle du Patriarcat maronite d’après cinq actes d’achat inédits (IXe/XVe siècle)
Islamic Law and Society Pub Date : 2020-08-26 , DOI: 10.1163/15685195-00270a02
Wissam H. Halawi 1 , Élise Voguet 2

This article presents the edition and translation of five unpublished notarial deeds that describe the purchase of lands for the benefit of the Maronite Patriarchate in the 9th/15th century. They attest the recognition of this ecclesiastical institution by the Mamluk authorities, so that its representatives could conclude transactions on its behalf, before the deputy of the shāfi‘ī qadi. The Patriarchate respects and uses the Islamic legal and notarial doctrine which regulates commercial practices between dhimmī-s but also between Muslims and non-Muslims. These documents provide, in addition, information on the status and nature of lands in this area, and on the amount of kharāj. The fifth deed, drawn up by a Christian notarial authority, reflects the autonomy of dhimmī institutions under the Mamluks; its reproduction and preservation also highlight the need of the Patriarchate to provide proof of ownership of its immovable property at any time.


Dhimmī-s de la Syrie Rurale et Institutions mameloukes : de l'utilisation de la théorie shāfiʿite à l'autonomie judictionnelle du Patriarcat maronite d'après cinq actes d'achat inédits (IX e / XV e siècle)

本文介绍了五份未发表的公证契约的版本和翻译,这些契约描述了在 9 世纪/15 世纪为马龙教宗主教区的利益而购买土地。他们证明马穆鲁克当局承认这个教会机构,因此它的代表可以在 shāfi'ī qadi 的代表面前代表它完成交易。宗主教区尊重并使用伊斯兰教法和公证学说,这些教义规范了齐米人之间以及穆斯林和非穆斯林之间的商业行为。此外,这些文件还提供了有关该地区土地状况和性质以及 kharāj 数量的信息。由基督教公证机构起草的第五项契约反映了马穆鲁克统治下的齐米机构的自治权;