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Noah's Ark, Mt. Meru, and the God of the Rainbow
International Review of Mission Pub Date : 2016-11-01 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12144
Yoon‐Jae Chang

Abstract The warning is clear. Unless human beings reach a change of civilisation in the ecological sense within the next ten years, we will not have a future--any future. However, a change of civilisation does require a change of religious beliefs as well. As Lynn White Jr. asserted many years ago, our present science and technology are so tinctured with orthodox Christian arrogance toward nature that no solution for our ecological and economic crises can be expected from them alone. Since the roots of our trouble are so largely religious," as White assures, "the remedy must also be essentially religious." Still, where do we begin? The author is convinced that any ecological reconstruction of Christian theology and missiology must begin with the Scripture. A solid re-reading of the Bible will do. This is the reason why the author revisits the well-known story of Noah's ark to reveal the inconvenient truth almost verbatim - the truth that the Noah's Ark is the story of God's new covenant of life with not only human beings but also with the Earth, represented by the animals from the ark. After scrutinizing the creation stories in Genesis 1 to 9, comparing in particular the two different commandments of God in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, as well as in Genesis 1 and Genesis 9, the author confirms that a just and sustainable future can only be built upon the biblical God of the rainbow, who shows no favor to human beings, and who makes a new covenant of life with all flesh. What we need is a new vision of Christian beliefs and discipleship that honors God, values the Earth, and emphasises humility [humus] of humanity [humus], concludes the author. ********** God did not send the Son for the salvation of humanity alone or give us a partial salvation. Rather the gospel is the good news for every part of creation and every aspect of our life and society. It is therefore vital to recognize God's mission in a cosmic sense and to affirm all life, the whole oikoumene, as being interconnected in God's web of life. (Together towards Life, article 4) With the theme of "Moving in the Spirit: Called to Transforming Discipleship," the World Mission Conference 2018 will meet in Arusha, Tanzania, located in East Central Africa, which is known as the place of human origin. Much scientific research has pointed to East Central Africa as the origin where Homo sapiens appeared around 200,000 years ago. (1) Why has God convened God's own people to this special place at this moment? Participants will convene near Kilimanjaro, which is the highest peak in Africa, reaching about 6,000 meters (20,000 ft.) above sea level. Kilimanjaro is indeed a magnificent and beautiful mountain. Earnest Hemingway once said in The Snows of Kilimanjaro-. "As wide as all the World, great, high, and unbelievably white in the sun ..." Nevertheless, where have the snows gone? The mountain's famous glaciers have greatly retreated over 80 percent since 1912 and, as we will see with our own eyes, are now in danger of being completely gone in a few years. Kilimanjaro isn't just a sight spot for us who are called to "Transforming Discipleship." Why has God convened God's own people to this particular place at this particular time? Climate Collapse We live at a time when all the inhabitants on this planet Earth sense the unusual change in the look of the sky. I live on the Korean peninsula where we used to have four distinctive seasons--spring, summer, autumn, and winter three months each. But now the climate of the Korean peninsula is changing rapidly into a subtropical climate. The winters are becoming shorter and the summers longer; and the kinds of fish in the surrounding seas have changed because the temperature of the water has risen. Even more shocking is the fact that the warming of the Korean peninsula is twice as fast as the average pace of the whole world. (2) I do not have statistics of other regions, but it is unarguably true that climate change is a global phenomenon and crisis for all. …



摘要 警告是明确的。除非人类在未来十年内达到生态意义上的文明变革,否则我们将没有未来——任何未来。然而,文明的改变也需要宗教信仰的改变。正如 Lynn White Jr. 多年前断言,我们目前的科学和技术充满了正统基督教对自然的傲慢态度,单靠它们无法解决我们的生态和经济危机。由于我们的麻烦的根源在很大程度上是宗教性的,“正如怀特所保证的那样,”补救措施也必须本质上是宗教性的。“但是,我们从哪里开始?作者相信任何基督教神学和宣教学的生态重建都必须从圣经 认真地重读圣经就可以了。这就是为什么作者重温了著名的诺亚方舟故事,几乎逐字逐句地揭示了令人不快的真相——诺亚方舟是上帝不仅与人类,而且与地球的生命新约的故事,以方舟中的动物为代表。作者仔细研究了创世记 1 至 9 章的创造故事,特别比较了创世记 1 章和 2 章以及创世记 1 章和 9 章中上帝的两条不同诫命,确认只有建立公正和可持续的未来在圣经中的彩虹之神身上,他不偏袒人类,与所有有血肉的人立下新的生命盟约。我们需要的是一种基督教信仰和门徒训练的新视野,它尊重上帝,重视地球,并强调人类[humus]的谦逊[humus],作者总结道。********** 上帝派遣圣子不是为了拯救人类,也不是为了给我们部分的拯救。相反,对于受造界的每一部分以及我们生活和社会的各个方面,福音都是好消息。因此,在宇宙意义上认识上帝的使命并确认所有生命,整个 oikoumene,在上帝的生命网络中相互关联是至关重要的。(Together to Life, 第 4 条) 2018 年世界宣教大会以“在灵里行动:呼召转化门徒”为主题,将在坦桑尼亚阿鲁沙举行,该大会位于中非东部,这里被称为人类的发源地。起源。许多科学研究指出,中东部非洲是大约 20 万年前智人出现的起源地。(1) 神为什么召集神 ' 自己的人在这一刻来到这个特殊的地方?参与者将在乞力马扎罗山附近聚集,乞力马扎罗山是非洲最高峰,海拔约 6,000 米(20,000 英尺)。乞力马扎罗山确实是一座壮丽而美丽的山。认真的海明威曾在《乞力马扎罗的雪》中说过——。“像世界一样广阔,伟大,高,在阳光下白得难以置信……” 然而,雪去哪儿了?这座山上著名的冰川自 1912 年以来已大幅消退 80% 以上,正如我们将亲眼所见,现在有可能在几年内完全消失。乞力马扎罗山不仅仅是我们被称为“转化门徒”的景点。为什么上帝召集上帝' 自己的人在这个特定的时间来到这个特定的地方?气候崩溃 我们生活在这个地球上所有居民都感觉到天空外观发生异常变化的时代。我住在朝鲜半岛,那里曾经有四个不同的季节——春天、夏天、秋天和冬天,每个季节三个月。但现在朝鲜半岛的气候正在迅速转变为亚热带气候。冬天越来越短,夏天越来越长;由于水温升高,周围海域的鱼类种类也发生了变化。更令人震惊的是,朝鲜半岛变暖的速度是全球平均速度的两倍。(2) 我没有其他地区的统计数据,但无可争议的是,气候变化是一个全球现象,是所有人的危机。... 我住在朝鲜半岛,那里曾经有四个不同的季节——春天、夏天、秋天和冬天,每个季节三个月。但现在朝鲜半岛的气候正在迅速转变为亚热带气候。冬天越来越短,夏天越来越长;由于水温升高,周围海域的鱼类种类也发生了变化。更令人震惊的是,朝鲜半岛变暖的速度是全球平均速度的两倍。(2) 我没有其他地区的统计数据,但无可争议的是,气候变化是一个全球现象,是所有人的危机。... 我住在朝鲜半岛,那里曾经有四个不同的季节——春天、夏天、秋天和冬天,每个季节三个月。但现在朝鲜半岛的气候正在迅速转变为亚热带气候。冬天越来越短,夏天越来越长;由于水温升高,周围海域的鱼类种类也发生了变化。更令人震惊的是,朝鲜半岛变暖的速度是全球平均速度的两倍。(2) 我没有其他地区的统计数据,但无可争议的是,气候变化是一个全球现象,是所有人的危机。... 冬天越来越短,夏天越来越长;由于水温升高,周围海域的鱼类种类也发生了变化。更令人震惊的是,朝鲜半岛变暖的速度是全球平均速度的两倍。(2) 我没有其他地区的统计数据,但无可争议的是,气候变化是一个全球现象,是所有人的危机。... 冬天越来越短,夏天越来越长;由于水温升高,周围海域的鱼类种类也发生了变化。更令人震惊的是,朝鲜半岛变暖的速度是全球平均速度的两倍。(2) 我没有其他地区的统计数据,但无可争议的是,气候变化是一个全球现象,是所有人的危机。...