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Collective Resistance as Prophetic Witness
International Review of Mission Pub Date : 2016-11-01 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12150
Wati Longchar

Abstract Authentic Christian witness today, marked by the mission from the margins, must engage communities of the marginalised at the structural level through collective solidarity resistance. This article first examines social structures themselves and their capacity to enhance or denigrate human dignity. Inherited structures of oppression can be identified and addressed. Christian witness has a particular exigence for and role in identifying and resisting oppressive structures for the sake of justice. Prophetic witness to kingdom values--saying no to unjust systems--involves joining with victims in active resistance through local and global mobilisation for social change and celebration of life. ********** Looking at today's context of ecological disaster, the hunger of millions, exploitation of labour, violation of human rights, restriction of freedom to life, abuse of power by politicians, and manipulation of wealth by a small minority, we are reminded of the prophet Amos's time. Amos lived at a time when the rich "trample on the heads of the poor as upon the dust of the ground and they deny justice to the oppressed" (Amos 2:7). While the rich people could afford summer and winter houses adorned with ivory, the poor people flee, naked and without food (Amos 3:15). The poor were crushed and exploited by an unjust system on all fronts. Similarly, the dominant value system, social structures/institutions, consumerist market ideology, and one-sided development activities are powerful sources to exploit the poor and marginalized people in today's world. The military, economic, and social powers are so unevenly shared and used that a vast majority of the world's population is left to live in abject poverty and misery, without dignity and freedom. While the world's 10 richest people get US$5,000 in a few seconds or minutes, millions of people get less than one dollar a day. It is said that every day, 30,0000 people die of starvation. Evils embodied in social structures/institutions in a systemic and permanent manner ensure that the right to a decent life is denied to many and destroys the very harmony of social life. When evil forces oppress and crush the poor, hindering not only the self-development of persons but society as a whole, the only option left for marginalized communities is collective solidarity resistance. Just as Jesus and his followers located their ministry in the context of systemic corruption of religious, economic, and political systems of their times, we need to locate Christian witness in the context of present structural injustices. The strength of future churches and the ecumenical movement lies in its ability to create collective solidarity resistance movements against unjust social relations, market forces, and other life-threatening institutions. Victim of structural injustice: location of Christian witness Social structures/institutions are collective creations of humans over centuries. They never exist in and of themselves independently; they are also never neutral. People consciously or unconsciously participate in them personally and as social groups. Social analysis reveals that social structures that value human beings and protect the integrity of God's creation enhance the quality of the human person and society. But social structures created with vested interests violate human dignity in brutal ways, jeopardize the development of the society, and work against the realization of God's plan of human creation. The organizing principle of today's society is that women are inferior, dalit/adivasi is unclean and inferior, white is superior, indigenous people are uncivilized and primitive, and disability is a curse from God and so people with disabilities are sinners. Since our present social structure is organized based on such false presupposition and beliefs, it inflicts injustice and misery on many people. This is called structural sin. …



摘要 今天,以边缘使命为标志的真实基督教见证必须通过集体团结抵抗在结构层面上让边缘化社区参与进来。本文首先考察社会结构本身及其增强或贬低人类尊严的能力。可以识别和解决继承的压迫结构。为了正义,基督徒见证在识别和抵制压迫性结构方面具有特别的紧迫性和作用。对王国价值观的先知性见证——对不公正的制度说不——涉及通过地方和全球动员,与受害者一起积极抵抗,以促进社会变革和庆祝生命。********** 放眼当今生态灾难、数百万人饥饿、劳动剥削、侵犯人权、生命自由受到限制,政客滥用权力,少数人操纵财富,让我们想起了先知阿摩司的时代。阿摩司生活的时代,富人“践踏穷人的头,如同践踏地上的尘土,不给受压迫的人伸张正义”(摩2:7)。虽然富人可以负担得起用象牙装饰的夏季和冬季房屋,但穷人却赤身裸体且没有食物逃跑(阿摩司书 3:15)。穷人在各个方面都被不公正的制度压榨和剥削。同样,主导价值体系、社会结构/制度、消费主义市场意识形态和片面的发展活动是当今世界剥削穷人和边缘化人群的强大来源。军事、经济、社会权力的分配和使用如此不均衡,以至于世界上绝大多数人口生活在赤贫和苦难中,没有尊严和自由。虽然世界上最富有的 10 人在几秒钟或几分钟内获得了 5,000 美元,但数百万人每天获得的收入不到 1 美元。据说每天有 30,000 人死于饥饿。以系统和永久的方式体现在社会结构/制度中的邪恶确保了许多人无法享有体面生活的权利,并破坏了社会生活的和谐。当邪恶势力压迫和压迫穷人,不仅阻碍个人的自我发展,而且阻碍整个社会的发展时,边缘化社区唯一的选择就是集体团结抵抗。正如耶稣和他的追随者将他们的事工置于他们那个时代的宗教、经济和政治体系系统性腐败的背景下一样,我们也需要将基督徒见证置于当前结构性不公正的背景下。未来教会和普世运动的力量在于它能够针对不公正的社会关系、市场力量和其他危及生命的机构发起集体团结抵抗运动。结构性不公正的受害者:基督徒见证的地点 社会结构/制度是人类几个世纪以来的集体创造。它们从不独立存在;他们也从不中立。人们自觉或不自觉地以个人和社会团体的形式参与其中。社会分析表明,重视人类并保护上帝创造的完整性的社会结构提高了人和社会的质量。但是,由既得利益创造的社会结构以残酷的方式侵犯了人的尊严,危害了社会的发展,并与上帝创造人类计划的实现背道而驰。当今社会的组织原则是妇女低下,贱民不洁低等,白人优越,原住民不文明原始,残疾是上帝的诅咒,所以残疾人是罪人。由于我们目前的社会结构是基于这种错误的预设和信念而组织起来的,因此它给许多人带来了不公正和痛苦。这被称为结构性罪。… 的创造提高了人类和社会的质量。但是,由既得利益创造的社会结构以残酷的方式侵犯了人的尊严,危害了社会的发展,并与上帝创造人类计划的实现背道而驰。当今社会的组织原则是妇女低下,贱民不洁低等,白人优越,原住民不文明原始,残疾是上帝的诅咒,所以残疾人是罪人。由于我们目前的社会结构是基于这种错误的预设和信念而组织起来的,因此它给许多人带来了不公正和痛苦。这被称为结构性罪。… 的创造提高了人类和社会的质量。但是,由既得利益创造的社会结构以残酷的方式侵犯了人的尊严,危害了社会的发展,并与上帝创造人类计划的实现背道而驰。当今社会的组织原则是妇女低下,贱民不洁低等,白人优越,原住民不文明原始,残疾是上帝的诅咒,所以残疾人是罪人。由于我们目前的社会结构是基于这种错误的预设和信念而组织起来的,因此它给许多人带来了不公正和痛苦。这被称为结构性罪。… 危害社会的发展,与上帝创造人类计划的实现背道而驰。当今社会的组织原则是妇女低下,贱民不洁低等,白人优越,原住民不文明原始,残疾是上帝的诅咒,所以残疾人是罪人。由于我们目前的社会结构是基于这种错误的预设和信念而组织起来的,因此它给许多人带来了不公正和痛苦。这被称为结构性罪。… 危害社会的发展,与上帝创造人类计划的实现背道而驰。当今社会的组织原则是妇女低下,贱民不洁低等,白人优越,原住民不文明原始,残疾是上帝的诅咒,所以残疾人是罪人。由于我们目前的社会结构是基于这种错误的预设和信念而组织起来的,因此它给许多人带来了不公正和痛苦。这被称为结构性罪。… 残疾是上帝的诅咒,所以残疾人是罪人。由于我们目前的社会结构是基于这种错误的预设和信念而组织起来的,因此它给许多人带来了不公正和痛苦。这被称为结构性罪。… 残疾是上帝的诅咒,所以残疾人是罪人。由于我们目前的社会结构是基于这种错误的预设和信念而组织起来的,因此它给许多人带来了不公正和痛苦。这被称为结构性罪。…