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Warwick : report on the excavation of an early 17th-century English shipwreck in Castle Harbour, Bermuda
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology Pub Date : 2017-08-04 , DOI: 10.1111/1095-9270.12263
Piotr Bojakowski 1 , Katie Custer-Bojakowski 1

Warwick, a colonial merchantman owned and operated by Sir Robert Rich, Second Earl of Warwick, sank in Castle Harbour, Bermuda, in1619. Between 2010 and 2012, Warwick's hull remains and associated artefacts were excavated and recorded. Built early in the 17th century, Warwick’s structure revealed a traditional shipbuilding style. Covered with two layers of planking and a layer of sheathing, the ship was purpose-built for extended transatlantic voyages. Not exceeding 200 tons, Warwick was an average-size vessel with sufficient burthen to bring supplies and passengers to the colonies and return with tobacco.



沃里克(Warwick)是沃里克第二伯爵罗伯特·里奇(Sir Robert Rich)拥有和经营的殖民商人,于1919年在百慕大海港沉没。在2010年至2012年之间,沃里克(Warwick)的船体残骸和相关人工制品被挖掘并记录下来。沃里克(Warwick)的建筑建于17世纪初期,展现出传统的造船风格。该船覆盖两层木板和一层护套,是专为跨大西洋航行而专门设计的。沃里克号不超过200吨,是一艘中等大小的船只,具有足够的装满物的能力,可将物资和乘客带到殖民地并带着烟草返回。