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Seamen on Land? A Preliminary Analysis of Medieval Ship Graffiti on Cyprus
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology Pub Date : 2017-08-30 , DOI: 10.1111/1095-9270.12269
Stella Demesticha 1 , Katerina Delouca 2 , Mia Gaia Trentin 3 , Nikolas Bakirtzis 4 , Andonis Neophytou 1

This article reports on the results of a research project entitled ‘KARAVOI. The Ship Graffiti on the Medieval Monuments of Cyprus: Mapping, Documentation and Digitisation’, during which 233 ship graffiti were recorded in 44 different monuments on the island, dating from the 15th to the 20th centuries. Innovative recording techniques have been used to mitigate the effects of the subjective or partial recording of graffiti lines on tracing paper. Apart from the study of ship graffiti as iconographic sources, particular emphasis has been given to their geographical and social context through a comprehensive analysis of the graffiti types and their spatial distribution in the monuments as well as the monuments location on the island.



本文报告了名为“ KARAVOI”的研究项目的结果。《塞浦路斯中世纪古迹上的船舶涂鸦:制图,文献记录和数字化》,在该岛的44个不同的古迹中记录了233种船舶涂鸦,其历史可追溯至15世纪至20世纪。已使用创新的记录技术来减轻描图纸上主观或部分记录涂鸦线条的影响。除了研究船舶涂鸦作为图像来源外,还通过对涂鸦类型及其在古迹中的空间分布以及岛上古迹位置的综合分析,特别强调了它们的地理和社会背景。