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Book Review: The War for the Seas
International Journal of Maritime History Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0843871420920957k
Marc Milner

Prof. Francesco Contente Domingues are noticeably absent. I would like to have seen the contribution ‘Tapestries of D. João de Castro’ (vol. 1, §16) acknowledge Sérgio Mascarenhas’s work as well as the recent museological project The Emperor’s Flowers. From Bulb to Carpet’, curated by Clara Serra and Teresa Nobre de Carvalho, which was held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon between February and May 2018. This display took as its starting point the analysis of the floral designs of two carpets from Gulbenkian’s collection. I felt that both contribution §23 ‘Portuguese and Novas Conquistas of Goa, 1750–1910’ as much as §19 ‘The Population of Goa, 1720–2011’ might have summarised the seventeenth century situation to prelude (and make sense of) trends and events in the eighteenth. Matos’s other work on this topic, like ‘Grupos Populacionais e dinamicas demograficas nas ilhas de Goa (1720–1830)’, published in the Actas of the XII Seminário Internacional de História Indo-Portuguesa deals, for example, with a ‘Corografia’ produced c. 1700. Invariably, one cannot help but ask why British-Indian historical relations are not commemorated in a similarly large-scale, regularised way to the Luso-Indian. The Anglo-American conference of historians, by way of contrast, meets very year: this year the group met for the 84th time! Minuscule university research budgets, a localised research culture, the slow disappearance of a generation of Anglo-Indian scholars like Peter Marshall born in Calcutta with a curiosity in that part of the world, and a lack of institutional and intellectual leadership are all in part responsible. Whatever the hopes of the Brexit championing political leadership in this country for a globalist future, at least in historical studies, a global vision of the British past is a myth that is only hard to sustain at the present time particularly in Britain’s provincial universities.



Francesco Contente Domingues 教授明显缺席。我想看到“D. João de Castro 的挂毯”(第 1 卷,第 16 节)的贡献,感谢 Sérgio Mascarenhas 的工作以及最近的博物馆项目“皇帝的花朵”。“从灯泡到地毯”,由 Clara Serra 和 Teresa Nobre de Carvalho 策划,于 2018 年 2 月至 5 月在里斯本的 Calouste Gulbenkian 基金会举行。这次展览以分析 Gulbenkian 的两张地毯的花卉设计为出发点收藏。我觉得 §23 'Portuguese and Novas Conquistas of Goa, 1750–1910' 和 §19 'The Population of Goa, 1720-2011' 都可能总结了 17 世纪的情况,以预示(并理解)趋势和事件在十八。马托斯关于这个主题的其他工作,像“Grupos Populacionais e dinamicas demograficas nas ilhas de Goa (1720–1830)”,发表在第十二届印度-葡萄牙国际历史研究会的Actas 中,例如,生产的“Corografia”c。1700. 人们总是不禁要问,为什么不以与葡印类似的大规模、规范化的方式纪念英印历史关系。相比之下,英美历史学家会议正是在这一年召开的:今年是该小组第 84 次会面!微不足道的大学研究预算、本土化的研究文化、像彼得马歇尔这样出生在加尔各答、对世界那个地区充满好奇心的一代英印学者慢慢消失,以及缺乏机构和知识领导力都是部分原因.