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Book Review: The Sea and the Sacred in Japan: Aspects of Maritime Religion
International Journal of Maritime History Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0843871420920957n
Niki J. P. Alsford

people making a living by doing a stigmatised job, like sewerage workers? Such characterisations affect the way smuggled and trafficked women at sea are seen by legislators and campaigners. I would have preferred far more insightful indexing, interventionist editing, and some images. But even so these 366 pages are dense with crucial data. Most contributions are invaluably clear-sighted about gender’s significance, especially in their concluding sections. This over-all feat implicitly raises the question ‘How can the legal worlds and maritime worlds have done without such a study for so long?’ Singly and together, the contributors create coherence and global understanding of maritime difficulties. They do so in a field where such matters are, if discussed at all, too often fragmented, under-systemic, and fuzzy about the way gender actually underpins so much of life.



人们通过从事污名化的工作(例如下水道工人)来谋生?这种特征影响了立法者和活动家对海上走私和贩卖妇女的看法。我更喜欢更有洞察力的索引、干预编辑和一些图像。但即便如此,这 366 个页面仍然充满了关键数据。大多数贡献对性别的重要性都非常清楚,特别是在他们的结论部分。这一整体壮举隐含地提出了一个问题:“这么长时间没有这样的研究,法律界和海洋界怎么能做到?” 贡献者单独和共同创造了对海上困难的一致性和全球理解。他们在这样一个领域这样做,如果讨论的话,这些问题往往是支离破碎的,系统性不足的,