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Big data and the legal framework for data quality
International Journal of Law and Information Technology Pub Date : 2017-01-08 , DOI: 10.1093/ijlit/eaw014
Thomas Hoeren

Power has a lot to do with knowledge, access to, and utilization of data. But in the context of the debate about power, the question of data quality is hardly ever raised. This is because legal standards for data quality are lacking. The first attempts to regulate this question can be found hidden in Article 6 of the EU Data Protection Directive and in the regulation on scoring in section 28b of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). From this, with the help of initial research attempts by computer science and sociology, we can develop a provisional, fragmentary framework for legal standards in data quality, as I will demonstrate in the following 10 theses. K E Y W O R D S : big data, data quality, data protection, EU Regulation, tort law T H E S I L E N C E O F T H E L A M B S : W H Y D O E S R E S E A R C H H A V E N O T H I N G T O S A Y A B O U T D A T A Q U A L I T Y ? Data are the backbone of power. Only someone who knows something and has access to data can control, plan and effect changes. Data are often interpreted as the currency of the digital economy, not without reason. So, it is all the more astonishing that until now there has been hardly any debate about the protection of data quality within the discussion of power and powerlessness. What remains of an organisation’s power such as Google when spectacular big data cases such as their Google Flu Trends turned out to be ex post false? This ignorance is still promoted by articles in the daily press that extol the sloppiness of data research as an actual asset in big data, for example, as here in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Large amounts of data, dirty data, indicate a trend but do not provide an exact result—in just about all of this, big data methods contradicts the way in which * Professor, ITM, Germany. Email: hoeren@uni-muenster.de 1 For example, X Meng and X Ci, ‘Big Data Management: Concepts, Techniques and Challenges’ (2013) 50 J Comp Res Devel 146. But the debate is different, however, in certain areas such as aeronautical data where the data quality is regulated and standardized extensively. See Annex IV (‘Data quality requirements’) of EU Commission Reg No 73/2010 of 26 January 2010 for the qualitative requirements in aeronautical data and aeronautical information for the entirety of European airspace [2010] OJ L23/6 accessed 17 August 2016. 2 D Butler, ‘When Google Got Flu Wrong’ (2013) 494 Nature 155. Equally shocking in this respect is Sharona Hoffman’s empirical study on the deficiencies in data quality in the medical world. S Hoffman, ‘Medical Big Data and Big Data Quality Problems’ (2014) 21 Conn Ins L J 289. VC The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com. 26 International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 2017, 25, 26–37 doi: 10.1093/ijlit/eaw014 Advance Access Publication Date: 8 January 2017 Article statisticians have worked up to now. But if large amounts of data are processed, it is this sheer mass whose analysis ultimately brings one very close to one’s goal. Especially ‘big data’ changes the research structure in scienceand evidence-based decision-making from causation models to correlation paradigms. Data-based research traditionally proceeded from a hypothesis, which was used to understand relations between data and causation. Big data changes this concept by obviating the need for a hypothesis. Instead understanding is gained and knowledge is derived from data patterns. This new data mining technique leads to unknown epistemological consequences for data quality criteria including legal requirements for data quality in civil law or data protection law. Data quality requirements arise and must arise in at least three situations. The first is the question of buying raw data: the buyer’s issue essentially is the protection of the contractually stipulated quality of such data. The second concerns the protection of those who acquire the results of big data research. And finally, it is always about the rights of those who are affected by the assessment results in whatever way outside of contractual relationships, but within the legal protection regime against unfair discrimination. T H E L A W O N W A R R A N T Y I N M O D E R N C O D I F I E D C I V I L L A W I S O U T D A T E D The contractual rules on the protection of data quality are obsolete. They derive from 19th-century commodity-oriented economic structures and safeguard at best exceptionally a liability in contractual or quasi-contractual relationships. Accordingly, the few published opinions on data quality in big data essentially only discuss the liability for transmission errors. The real test on the subject of information liability in the information society is from now on data themselves are being made the subject of contracts. Traditionally, in what was then the only conceivable case of selling information in book form, the law proceeded on the basis that the contractually agreed use was hard to determine. In law, the buyer/reader of a book entertained no expectations of a book’s content that were worthy of protection; such expectations were as a rule only irrelevant desires for information. Boundaries were only overstepped if a larger-than-average number of printing errors were present, pages were missing or a statute book was 3 H Martin-Jung, ‘Warum wir Big Data verstehen müssen’ SZ (10 October 2015). 4 The following ideas are based on the premises of German civil law. However, the legal position in other EU Member States is no better. 5 See C Peschel and S Rockstroh, ‘Big Data in der Industrie Chancen und Risiken neuer datenbasierter Dienste’ (Vol 9 2014) MMR 571. 6 German Federal Supreme Court (Vol 41 1988) NJW 2597ff; also J Wertenbruch, ‘Gew€ahrleistung beim Kauf von Kunstgegenst€anden nach neuem Schuldrecht’ (Vol 28 2004) NJW 1977, 1979ff; H Haberstumpf, ‘Verkauf immaterieller Güter’ (Vol 22 2015) NJOZ 793, 796 maintains that only tangible property can be the starting point for a product purchase. 7 HP Westermann, S€acker/Rixecker/Oetker/Limperg Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch (7th edn, Beck 2015) para 73. 8 German Federal Supreme Court (1958) NJW 138ff. Big data and the legal framework for data quality 27



权力与知识,数据的访问和利用密切相关。但是,在有关电源的辩论中,几乎没有提出过数据质量问题。这是因为缺少数据质量的法律标准。欧盟数据保护指令第6条和《德国联邦数据保护法》(BDSG)第28b条中关于评分的法规中都隐藏着解决该问题的首次尝试。由此,借助计算机科学和社会学的初步研究尝试,我们可以为数据质量的法律标准建立一个临时的,零碎的框架,我将在以下10篇论文中进行演示。关键词:大数据,数据质量,数据保护,欧盟法规,侵权法THESILENCEOFTHELAMBS:为什么要进行搜索没有THINGTOSAYABOUTDATAQU权限?数据是力量的支柱。只有知道某件事并有权访问数据的人才能控制,计划和影响变更。数据经常被解释为数字经济的货币,并非没有道理。因此,更令人惊讶的是,直到现在,在关于权力和无权的讨论中,几乎没有关于数据质量保护的辩论。当诸如Google Flu Trends之类的壮观大数据案例被事后证明是虚假的时,诸如Google之类的组织的力量还剩下什么?日报中的文章仍然在鼓吹这种无知,例如,在南德意志报刊中,夸大数据研究作为大数据的实际资产的草率行事。大量数据,脏数据,表示趋势,但不能提供确切的结果-几乎所有这些大数据方法都与德国ITM教授的方式相矛盾。电子邮件:hoeren@uni-muenster.de 1例如,X Meng和X Ci,“大数据管理:概念,技术和挑战”(2013年)50 J Comp Res Devel146。但是,在某些方面争论是不同的在诸如航空数据等领域,对数据质量进行了广泛的规范和标准化。有关整个欧洲领空的航空数据和航空信息的质量要求,请参见2010年1月26日欧盟委员会第73/2010号法规附件IV(“数据质量要求”)[OJ L23 / 6 de 1例如,X Meng和X Ci,“大数据管理:概念,技术和挑战”(2013)50 J Comp Res Devel146。但是,在某些领域(例如航空数据)的争论却不同。质量得到广泛规范和规范。有关整个欧洲领空的航空数据和航空信息的质量要求,请参见2010年1月26日欧盟委员会第73/2010号法规附件IV(“数据质量要求”)[OJ L23 / 6 de 1例如,X Meng和X Ci,“大数据管理:概念,技术和挑战”(2013)50 J Comp Res Devel146。但是,在某些领域(例如航空数据)的争论却不同。质量得到广泛规范和规范。有关整个欧洲领空的航空数据和航空信息的质量要求,请参见2010年1月26日欧盟委员会第73/2010号法规附件IV(“数据质量要求”)[OJ L23 / 6于2016年8月17日访问。2 D Butler,“当Google出现流感时”(2013)494 Nature 155.在这方面同样令人震惊的是Sharona Hoffman对医学界数据质量不足的实证研究。S Hoffman,“医疗大数据和大数据质量问题”(2014年)21 Conn Ins LJ289。VC作者(2017年)。牛津大学出版社出版。版权所有。有关权限,请发送电子邮件至:journals.permissions@oup.com。26国际法律与信息技术杂志,2017,25,26-37 doi:10.1093 / ijlit / eaw014提前获取出版日期:2017年1月8日文章统计学家一直在努力。但是,如果要处理大量数据,正是这种庞大的数据量最终使分析结果非常接近自己的目标。特别是“大数据”将科学和基于证据的决策的研究结构从因果模型转变为相关范式。传统上,基于数据的研究从一个假设出发,该假设被用来理解数据与因果关系。大数据消除了对假设的需求,从而改变了这一概念。取而代之的是获得理解,并从数据模式中获取知识。这种新的数据挖掘技术对数据质量标准产生了未知的认识论后果,包括民法或数据保护法中对数据质量的法律要求。出现数据质量要求,并且至少在三种情况下必须出现。首先是购买原始数据的问题:买方的问题实质上是对合同规定的此类数据质量的保护。第二个问题涉及对获得大数据研究结果的人员的保护。最后,这始终与那些受评估结果影响的人的权利有关,这些权利以合同关系以外的任何方式,但在防止不公平歧视的法律保护制度之内。已过时的THELAWONWARRANTYINMOD ERNCODIFIEDCIVILLAWIS有关保护数据质量的合同规则已过时。它们源自19世纪以商品为导向的经济结构,并在例外情况下最大程度地保障了合同或准合同关系中的责任。因此,关于大数据中数据质量的已发表的意见很少,仅讨论了传输错误的责任。从现在开始,对信息社会中信息责任主题的真正考验是,数据本身已成为合同的主题。传统上,在当时唯一可以想象的以书本形式出售信息的案件中,法律是基于难以确定合同约定的使用方式进行的。在法律上,书籍的购买者/阅读者对书籍的内容没有任何值得保护的期望。通常,这种期望只是与信息无关的欲望。仅当出现印刷错误的数量多于平均水平,缺少页面或法规书为3 H Martin-Jung(Warum wir Big Data verstehenmüssen)SZ(2015年10月10日)时,才可以越界。4以下思想基于德国民法的前提。然而,在其他欧盟成员国的法律地位也不是更好。5参见C Peschel和S Rockstroh,“工业界的大数据”(2014年第9卷)MMR571。6德国联邦最高法院(1988年第41卷)NJW 2597ff;还有J Wertenbruch,“ Gew ahrleistung beim Kauf von Kunstgegenst€anden nach neuem Schuldrecht”(2004年第28卷)NJW 1977,1979ff;H Haberstumpf,《 Verkauf immateriellerGüter》(第22卷,2015年)NJOZ 793,796坚持认为,只有有形财产才能成为购买产品的起点。7 HP Westermann,Sacker / Rixecker / Oetker / LimpergMünchenerKommentar zumBürgerlichenGesetzbuch(7th edn,Beck 2015)第73段。8德国联邦最高法院(1958)NJW 138ff。大数据和数据质量法律框架27 《大工业数据》(2014年第9卷)MMR571。6德国联邦最高法院(1988年第41卷)NJW 2597ff;还有J Wertenbruch,“ Gew ahrleistung beim Kauf von Kunstgegenst€anden nach neuem Schuldrecht”(2004年第28卷)NJW 1977,1979ff;H Haberstumpf,《 Verkauf immateriellerGüter》(第22卷,2015年)NJOZ 793,796坚持认为,只有有形财产才能成为购买产品的起点。7 HP Westermann,Sacker / Rixecker / Oetker / LimpergMünchenerKommentar zumBürgerlichenGesetzbuch(7th edn,Beck 2015)第73段。8德国联邦最高法院(1958)NJW 138ff。大数据和数据质量法律框架27 《大工业数据》(2014年第9卷)MMR571。6德国联邦最高法院(1988年第41卷)NJW 2597ff;还有J Wertenbruch,“ Gew ahrleistung beim Kauf von Kunstgegenst€anden nach neuem Schuldrecht”(2004年第28卷)NJW 1977,1979ff;H Haberstumpf,《 Verkauf immateriellerGüter》(第22卷,2015年)NJOZ 793,796坚持认为,只有有形财产才能成为购买产品的起点。7 HP Westermann,Sacker / Rixecker / Oetker / LimpergMünchenerKommentar zumBürgerlichenGesetzbuch(7th edn,Beck 2015)第73段。8德国联邦最高法院(1958)NJW 138ff。大数据和数据质量法律框架27 'Gew€ahrleistung beim Kauf von Kunstgegenst€anden nach neuem Schuldrecht'(Vol 28 2004)NJW 1977,1979ff; H Haberstumpf,《 Verkauf immateriellerGüter》(第22卷,2015年)NJOZ 793,796坚持认为,只有有形财产才能成为购买产品的起点。7 HP Westermann,Sacker / Rixecker / Oetker / LimpergMünchenerKommentar zumBürgerlichenGesetzbuch(7th edn,Beck 2015)第73段。8德国联邦最高法院(1958)NJW 138ff。大数据和数据质量法律框架27 'Gew€ahrleistung beim Kauf von Kunstgegenst€anden nach neuem Schuldrecht'(Vol 28 2004)NJW 1977,1979ff; H Haberstumpf,《 Verkauf immateriellerGüter》(第22卷,2015年)NJOZ 793,796坚持认为,只有有形财产才能成为购买产品的起点。7 HP Westermann,Sacker / Rixecker / Oetker / LimpergMünchenerKommentar zumBürgerlichenGesetzbuch(7th edn,Beck 2015)第73段。8德国联邦最高法院(1958)NJW 138ff。大数据和数据质量法律框架27 8德国联邦最高法院(1958)NJW 138ff。大数据和数据质量法律框架27 8德国联邦最高法院(1958)NJW 138ff。大数据和数据质量法律框架27