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The Tension between the Presumption of Innocence and Victims’ Participation Rights at the International Criminal Court
International Criminal Law Review Pub Date : 2020-04-23 , DOI: 10.1163/15718123-01906004
Michelle Coleman 1

This article explores where the participation rights of victims and the presumption of innocence come into conflict within the context of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and whether this causes either set of rights to be violated. First it discusses the development of the right to the presumption of innocence at the ICC and explains victims’ participation rights. Next it outlines how conflict between these two rights should be resolved. The article then examines three areas in which there is tension between victims’ participation and the presumption of innocence. These areas are: calling victims ‘victims’; evidence submission; and participation by questioning witnesses. Finally, the article concludes that the rights of victims and the accused can come into conflict and that in order to ensure that the right to the presumption of innocence is protected, and to provide victims with a meaningful right to participation, victims’ rights must be more clearly defined.



本文探讨了在国际刑事法院 (ICC) 的背景下,受害者的参与权和无罪推定在何处发生冲突,以及这是否会导致任何一组权利受到侵犯。首先讨论了国际刑事法院无罪推定权的发展,并解释了受害者的参与权。接下来概述了应如何解决这两种权利之间的冲突。然后,文章考察了受害者参与与无罪推定之间存在紧张关系的三个领域。这些领域是: 称受害者为“受害者”;提交证据;并通过询问证人参与。最后,