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Public Attitudes Toward New Prisons in New Zealand and Deficit Narratives
International Criminal Justice Review Pub Date : 2018-10-18 , DOI: 10.1177/1057567718803147
Adele N. Norris 1 , Kalym Lipsey 2

The imprisonment rate in New Zealand ranks seventh among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Yet the imprisonment of Indigenous people is on par with the United States, which has the world’s highest incarceration rate. Almost 70% of the prison population in New Zealand is comprised of people racialized as non-White. In 2016, the National Government proposed to spend $2.5 billion over a 5-year period to build new prisons (1,500 prison beds) to accommodate a growing prison population. This study assessed public attitudes toward the need for more prisons and the equity of treatment of individuals within the criminal justice system. Findings from a 2016 and 2017 quantitative survey of 5,000 respondents each year revealed that roughly half of the respondents believed the proposed spending for new prisons to be extremely to somewhat necessary. A large proportion of respondents also believed Māori and Pākehā, if convicted of the same crime, are treated similarly within the criminal justice system. New Zealand scholars have critiqued news media coverage of contentious sociopolitical issues, such as crime and prisons, for employing tactics that have worked to construct a morally and culturally deficit “Other” while normalizing whiteness, rendering it invisible and raceless. This article concludes that this process masks racial disparities of individuals located within the criminal justice system and preserves the ideal that prisons are a normal function of the social landscape.



新西兰的监禁率在经济合作与发展组织(OECD)中排名第七。然而,原住民的监禁与世界上监禁率最高的美国不相上下。新西兰近 70% 的监狱人口由被种族化为非白人的人组成。2016 年,中央政府提议在 5 年内斥资 25 亿美元建造新监狱(1,500 个监狱床位),以容纳不断增长的监狱人口。这项研究评估了公众对需要更多监狱和刑事司法系统内个人待遇公平的态度。2016 年和 2017 年的 5 项定量调查结果,每年有 000 名受访者透露,大约一半的受访者认为新监狱的拟议支出非常必要。很大一部分受访者还认为,毛利人和白人,如果被判犯有同样的罪行,在刑事司法系统中会受到类似的对待。新西兰学者批评新闻媒体对犯罪和监狱等有争议的社会政治问题的报道,因为他们采用的策略在使白人正常化的同时,构建了道德和文化上的缺陷“他者”,使其不可见和不分种族。本文的结论是,这一过程掩盖了刑事司法系统内个人的种族差异,并保留了监狱是社会景观的正常功能的理想。很大一部分受访者还认为,毛利人和白人,如果被判犯有同样的罪行,在刑事司法系统中会受到类似的对待。新西兰学者批评新闻媒体对犯罪和监狱等有争议的社会政治问题的报道,因为他们采用的策略在使白人正常化的同时,构建了道德和文化上的缺陷“他者”,使其不可见和不分种族。本文的结论是,这一过程掩盖了刑事司法系统内个人的种族差异,并保留了监狱是社会景观的正常功能的理想。很大一部分受访者还认为,毛利人和白人,如果被判犯有同样的罪行,在刑事司法系统中会受到类似的对待。新西兰学者批评新闻媒体对犯罪和监狱等有争议的社会政治问题的报道,因为他们采用了在使白人正常化的同时构建道德和文化缺陷的“他者”的策略,使其不可见和不分种族。本文的结论是,这一过程掩盖了刑事司法系统内个人的种族差异,并保留了监狱是社会景观的正常功能的理想。例如犯罪和监狱,因为他们采用的策略在使白人正常化的同时,构建了道德和文化上的缺陷“他者”,使其不可见和不分种族。本文的结论是,这一过程掩盖了刑事司法系统内个人的种族差异,并保留了监狱是社会景观的正常功能的理想。例如犯罪和监狱,因为他们采用的策略在使白人正常化的同时,构建了道德和文化上的缺陷“他者”,使其不可见和不分种族。本文的结论是,这一过程掩盖了刑事司法系统内个人的种族差异,并保留了监狱是社会景观的正常功能的理想。