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Vocalic elements and prosody in Slavic comparatives
Indogermanische Forschungen ( IF 0.462 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-26 , DOI: 10.1515/if-2017-0008
Rafał Szeptyński

Abstract The first part of the article deals with the ablaut pattern(s) that may be reconstructed on the basis of Slavic comparatives. It is claimed that three separate morphological categories (including comparatives) support the interpretation of the vowel o in some suppletive roots as derived from the ∅-grade, possibly within the amphikinetic pattern; thus a new sound law is suggested for Proto-Slavic. In the second part, it is illustrated how the remodeling of the Proto-Slavic comparative formative supports the interpretation of Proto-Indo-European comparatives as quasi-primary derivatives of change-of-state verbs; a parallel phenomenon is also described for Kashubian. Finally, accentual matters are briefly referred to. The paper includes some remarks on the vestiges of the Caland system in Slavic, too.



摘要 本文的第一部分讨论了可以在斯拉夫比较法的基础上重建的 ablaut 模式。据称,三个独立的形态学类别(包括比较级)支持对源自 ∅ 级的某些补充词根中元音 o 的解释,可能在两性运动模式内;因此为原始斯拉夫语提出了一个新的声音法则。第二部分阐述了原始斯拉夫比较式的重构如何支持将原始印欧比较级解释为状态变化动词的准主要派生词;Kashubian 还描述了一个平行现象。最后,简要提及重点事项。这篇论文也包括一些关于斯拉夫语卡兰系统遗迹的评论。