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Die Pronominal‑ und Partikelkette in den altanatolischen Sprachen
Indogermanische Forschungen ( IF 0.462 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-26 , DOI: 10.1515/if-2017-0016
Ivo Hajnal , Katharina Zipser

Zusammenfassung The Indo-European languages of Anatolia in the second and first millennium B. C. share the following typological particularity: The beginning of the sentence shows a chain containing sentential particles, pronominal elements and local particles (referred to as “PPC”). This PPC has a fixed inner order. Our aim is to explain the emergence of the PPC and to verifiably judge the question to which degree the PPC is inherited. Therefore, we investigate the structural differences within individual languages’ PPCs and try to reconstruct the basic PPC-structure common to all Ancient Anatolian languages. Our approach is fundamentally sustained by new considerations concerning the discrepancy between (1) the phonological realization of the PPC and (2) the potential diversity in the underlying syntactic structure, which hitherto has mostly been ignored. We succeed in presenting evidence that, for the potential formation of the basic PPC-structure, not only Wackernagel’s Law plays a crucial role, but at least two further mainly (morpho-)phonological processes are crucial. Our findings lead to a better understanding of Common Anatolian phrase structure.


Die Pronominal‑ und Partikelkette in den altanatolischen Sprachen

Zusammenfassung 公元前第二个和第一个千年安纳托利亚的印欧语系具有以下类型学特殊性:句子的开头显示了一个包含句子粒子、代词元素和局部粒子(称为“PPC”)的链。这个 PPC 有一个固定的内部顺序。我们的目的是解释 PPC 的出现,并验证性地判断 PPC 继承到什么程度的问题。因此,我们研究了各个语言的 PPC 中的结构差异,并尝试重建所有古代安纳托利亚语言共有的基本 PPC 结构。我们的方法从根本上得到了关于 (1) PPC 的语音实现和 (2) 潜在句法结构的潜在多样性之间差异的新考虑的支持,迄今为止,大多数情况下都被忽略了。我们成功地提出证据表明,对于基本 PPC 结构的潜在形成,不仅瓦克纳格尔定律起着至关重要的作用,而且至少还有两个主要(形态)语音过程是至关重要的。我们的发现有助于更好地理解常见的安纳托利亚短语结构。