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Seductions & Enigmas: Laplanche, Theory, Culture ed. by John Fletcher and Nicholas Ray
American Imago Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2017.0017
Lewis Kirshner

The edited volume, Seductions & Enigmas, presents in a concisely summarized form the theory of primal seduction proposed by Jean Laplanche. The introduction by John Fletcher and Nicholas Ray sets forth a history of Laplanche’s career and work and is followed by translations of three important papers covering his major concepts. These ideas are developed in ten chapters, mostly reprinted or translated, that are grouped under three headings: Seduction, Sexuality, and Gender; Seductions, Enigmas, Literary Texts; and Seduction and Effraction in the Visual and Aural Fields. The authors apply the Laplanchian principles of “the primacy of the other” and “primal seduction” to reinterpret the origins of gender and to explore the meaning of a number of artistic and literary works. The accent falls on the “fundamental anthropological situation” of the extreme vulnerability and helplessness of the human infant, faced with a sexually mature parent (essentially the mother in these papers), who conveys a surplus of untranslatable enigmatic messages through her ministrations. Laplanche was a brilliant scholar (agrégation en philosophie) who chose to pursue medical training at the behest of his psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, with whom he remained for about ten years. As an academic, he authored searching studies of Freud’s thinking and commented widely on the psychoanalytic literature. After breaking with Lacan (following his expulsion from the International Psychoanalytic Association), Laplanche became a founding member of the new Association Française de Psychanalyse (APF) in which he remained a prominent member. He may be best known for his monumental Vocabulaire de la psychanalyse (with Jean-Bertrand Pontalis in 1967), translated into English as The Language of Psychoanalysis (1973), and Vie et mort en psychanalyse in 1970, translated as Life and Death in Psychoanalysis (1976). His other books and articles in French were translated much later, but have gradually gained an international audience and been the subject of numerous colloquia. Fletcher and Ray stand as major interpreters and advocates



编辑后的《诱惑与谜团》以简明扼要的形式呈现了让·拉普朗什 (Jean Laplanche) 提出的原始诱惑理论。John Fletcher 和 Nicholas Ray 的介绍介绍了 Laplanche 的职业生涯和工作的历史,随后翻译了三篇涵盖他的主要概念的重要论文。这些想法分为十章,大部分是重印或翻译的,分为三个标题:诱惑、性和性别;诱惑、谜题、文学作品;以及视觉和听觉领域的诱惑和影响。作者运用拉普兰奇的“他者至上”和“原始诱惑”的原则重新解释性别的起源,并探索了一些艺术和文学作品的意义。重点在于人类婴儿极度脆弱和无助的“基本人类学状况”,面对性成熟的父母(基本上是这些论文中的母亲),她通过她的服务传达了多余的无法翻译的神秘信息。拉普朗什是一位才华横溢的学者(agrégation en philosophie),在他的精神分析师雅克·拉康(Jacques Lacan)的要求下,他选择接受医学培训,并在那里待了大约十年。作为一名学者,他撰写了对弗洛伊德思想的搜索研究,并对精神分析文献进行了广泛评论。在与拉康决裂后(在他被国际精神分析协会开除之后),拉普朗什成为新的法兰西精神分析协会(APF)的创始成员,他仍然是该协会的重要成员。他最出名的可能是他不朽的 Vocabulaire de la psychanalysis(1967 年与 Jean-Bertrand Pontalis 合着),翻译成英文为 The Language of Psychoanalysis(1973 年),以及 Vie et mort en psychanalysis 于 1970 年,翻译为 Life and Death in Psychoanalysis (1976)。他的其他法语书籍和文章被翻译得更晚,但逐渐吸引了国际读者,并成为众多座谈会的主题。弗莱彻和雷是主要的解释者和倡导者 但逐渐赢得了国际观众,并成为众多座谈会的主题。弗莱彻和雷是主要的解释者和倡导者 但逐渐赢得了国际观众,并成为众多座谈会的主题。弗莱彻和雷是主要的解释者和倡导者