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Contemporary Muslim Male Reformist Thought and Gender Equality Affirmative Interpretations of Islam
Feminist Theology Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0966735019886076
Adis Duderija

A number of recently published studies by reformist-minded Muslim scholars have both questioned the normative nature of and emphasized the need to rethink some of the fundamental assumptions and interpretational models governing traditional Islamic legal theories and ethics. As part of this process they have emphasized the need to develop novel Islamic hermeneutics. One major element in this emergence of novel Islamic hermeneutics is the production of an increased number of what I term ‘gender equality affirmative scholarship on Islam’. What is particularly interesting, if not intriguing, from the perspective of the author of this article is that the scholarship on gender equality affirmative interpretations of Islam is theorized by reformist-minded Muslim male scholars at historically unprecedented levels which is what this study seeks to highlight. This article examines the arguments employed by three prominent contemporary Muslim male reformist scholars, both Shī’ī and Sunnī, in developing gender equality affirmative interpretations of Islam – Nasr Abu Zayd, Mohsen Kadivar, and Khaled Abou El Fadl. The focus on male scholars in this article is intentional and seeks to highlight the most fundamental point and indeed the raison d’être behind it, namely to underscore the historically unprecedented support Muslim male scholars are providing to the development of feminist interpretations of Islam.



最近由具有改革派思想的穆斯林学者发表的一些研究既质疑了规范性,也强调了重新思考支配传统伊斯兰法律理论和伦理的一些基本假设和解释模型的必要性。作为这个过程的一部分,他们强调需要发展新颖的伊斯兰诠释学。新的伊斯兰诠释学出现的一个主要因素是产生了越来越多的我称之为“伊斯兰性别平等肯定性学术”的东西。什么特别有趣,如果不是有趣的话,从本文作者的角度来看,关于伊斯兰教的性别平等肯定解释的学术是由具有改革思想的穆斯林男性学者在历史上前所未有的水平上进行理论化的,这正是本研究旨在强调的。本文考察了三位杰出的当代穆斯林男性改良主义​​学者,Shī'ī 和 Sunnī,在发展伊斯兰教的性别平等肯定解释时所采用的论点——Nasr Abu Zayd、Mohsen Kadivar 和 Khaled Abou El Fadl。本文对男性学者的关注是有意的,旨在强调最基本的观点和其背后的存在理由,即强调穆斯林男性学者对伊斯兰教女权主义解释的发展提供了历史上前所未有的支持。本文考察了三位杰出的当代穆斯林男性改良主义​​学者,Shī'ī 和 Sunnī,在发展伊斯兰教的性别平等肯定解释时所采用的论点——Nasr Abu Zayd、Mohsen Kadivar 和 Khaled Abou El Fadl。本文对男性学者的关注是有意的,旨在强调最基本的观点和其背后的存在理由,即强调穆斯林男性学者对伊斯兰教女权主义解释的发展提供了历史上前所未有的支持。本文考察了三位杰出的当代穆斯林男性改良主义​​学者,Shī'ī 和 Sunnī,在发展伊斯兰教的性别平等肯定解释时所采用的论点——Nasr Abu Zayd、Mohsen Kadivar 和 Khaled Abou El Fadl。本文对男性学者的关注是有意的,旨在强调最基本的观点和其背后的存在理由,即强调穆斯林男性学者对伊斯兰教女权主义解释的发展提供了历史上前所未有的支持。