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Caesarius of Arles and the campaign against popular culture in late antiquity
Early Medieval Europe Pub Date : 2018-01-08 , DOI: 10.1111/emed.12248
Lucy Grig 1

This article analyses the preaching of Caesarius of Arles (in particular the Admonitiones) as a sustained attack on contemporary popular culture. It situates this process in the context of the question of the “democratisation of culture” in Late Antiquity, an enduring historiographical debate in which Caesarius plays a starring role. The analysis focuses in detail on the bishop’s programmatic letter, the so-called Sermo 1, and unpicks the strategies used to stigmatise key aspects of popular culture as well as considering the reception of his campaign. He also wrote sermons for particular festivals and places, 1 but against drunkenness and debauchery too, and against discord and hate, against anger and pride, against the sacrilegious and soothsayers, against the most pagan rites of the Kalends and against augurs, worshippers of trees and springs, and various sorts of vices. [V. Caes. 1.55] The Admonitiones of Caesarius of Arles, numbering around eighty of Caesarius’ sermons, can seem mind-numbing after a while, as the bishop returns time and time again to his favourite subjects for criticism. They focus on aspects of Christian morality but also on lifestyle, encompassing issues of culture and what Pierre Bourdieu influentially called habitus. The first-time reader is struck by the sweeping breadth of



本文分析了阿尔勒的凯撒(Caesarius)(特别是告诫者)的讲道,作为对当代流行文化的持续攻击。它把这一过程置于上古晚期的“文化民主化”问题的背景下,这是一场持久的史学辩论,凯撒留在其中扮演主角。分析着重于主教的程序性信件,即所谓的Sermo 1,并揭露了对流行文化的主要方面进行污名化的策略,并考虑了其竞选活动的接受程度。他还为特定的节日和场所写了布道,1但也反对醉酒和放荡,反对不和谐和仇恨,反对愤怒和自尊心,反对神职人员和占卜者,反对最异教的卡伦德人的宗教仪式,反对八卦者,树木崇拜者和泉水 以及各种恶习。[V. 凯斯 1.55]阿尔勒的凯撒教士的训诫大约有80幅凯撒斯的讲道,在一段时间后似乎有些麻木,因为主教一次又一次地回到他最喜欢的科目中进行批评。他们关注基督教道德方面,也关注生活方式,涵盖文化问题和皮埃尔·布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)有影响力的习惯。初次阅读的读者对 涵盖文化问题以及Pierre Bourdieu所谓的习惯。初次阅读的读者对 涵盖文化问题以及Pierre Bourdieu所称的习惯。初次阅读的读者对