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Technology Intervention: Rethinking the Role of Education and Faculty in the Transformative Digital Environment
Advances in Developing Human Resources Pub Date : 2020-01-10 , DOI: 10.1177/1523422319886297
Katherine Rosenbusch 1

The Problem Technology has affected almost every aspect of our lives, including education. Higher education is shifting the dynamics of delivery methods from traditional face-to-face to online to blended modes. Many universities are reaching a physical space capacity and therefore are attempting to increase online enrollment and geographical footprint. These changes are shifting the nature of higher education and how faculty are being viewed, evaluated, and, to some degree, hired. This article will focus on highlighting the challenges and opportunities of utilizing technology within universities, especially human resource development (HRD) programs. The Solution Technology is transforming higher education. Institutions can serve as an incubator to reimagine and redesign education altogether for the good of society. Online, mobile, and blended learning have become a part of our future. An important step is tracking how these models are actively enriching learning outcomes. Universities must be at the forefront of advancing progressive learning approaches and understanding the impact of technology on faculty and students. The Stakeholders The key stakeholders for this article include faculty, students, and university administrators. It will also affect businesses and human resource professionals for talent acquisition.


